Islam Iman Ihsan-Iman Momin

Islam Iman Ihsan, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


3/26, 49/17 , 58/22, 8/2,41/30, 8/2-4 ,94/4, 49/15, 24/47,8/40,41/30,32/18 ,49/11

5/41, 48/4,55/60 ,5/3,3/19,11/114 ,2/2-3, 72/16, 20/104,102/7,48/4, 51/56, 62/2

12/53,17/85,48/4,16/97, 26/89, 43/67,8/34, 18/33,18/37,6/122,13/28 ,31/12-19


Batin amal(tariqat/path)

It is conviction/certification/verification from heart.(baatin)

Faithfully fulfiling (aqidah/tenets of faith)

Itaat/obedience of body

Iman e mujamil +iman e mufassil (tenets of faith)

Deals with aqidah /faith (baatin)

Acts of faith

Connected with heart 

Associated with peace/sukoon

Related with alaam e ghaib(unseen world).

Increases if heart andphysical organs are same.

Decreases if heart and physical organs are not same.

Beautifying heart with acts(amaal) and states(afaal)

Related with those things which we don’t see with our eyes.

Related with tariqat

Kaifiyat e dil/heart or hal e dil

Deals with tawakkal/sabr /shukr (nimat is from allah ,he knows best)

Faith is baatin(in the heart)

Iman gives rise to tariqat and iyn ul  yaqeen(witnessing)- 72/16, 20/104(word tariqat is used)

Iman = be in the world but don’t keep world/duniya in your heart (Rahbaniat=living worldly life totally )

Rahbat from worldly desires  to desire allah

Rahbaniat =living worldly life totally .

haqiqat e iman= What ever you do love/hate/desire/work etc etc –do it for the pleasure of allah (NO NAFS/I)


Those whose hearts are filled with ishq(excessive love) and fear /khauf (kafiyat/hal of the heart)

Quran increases their iman 

Tawakkal/trust on allah

People of sabr/patience

Zahir(physical) and baatin(spirtitual heart) both are present .

Along with his body his heart also bows to allah.

Heart bows to rab e kaaba

Does zikr of allah and also prophet.

Balances tauheed and risalat.

They spend wealth and lives (they don’t doubt)

Istaqamat/steadfast on islam

Noor of iman enters into heart

No disobedience/sinning

Momin(faithful) and fasiq (open sinner) are opposite to eachother

Blessed with peace .

Blessed with tazkia nafs (worldly things doesnot change the state of heart)

Muqtasid /moderate –balanced –complete deen

Ausat iman (moderate)

Loves allah the most

Weighing of deeds/hisaab but no azab/punishment in barzak and ahkirat

Passed in ahkirat (because of good quality of worship with presence of body and heart )for them day of judgement is of few days

Direct jannat (elite jannat)

Allah is mehaboob and also muhib (for special servants/mohsin servants )

Loves allah the most

fazal of allah is with them.

Sins are wiped out through difficulties .

sns will be converted from kabira (bigger )to sagira (smaller)

Istiqamat /steadfast people

Islah e nafs  + purification of heart

Complete –moderate –balanced deen

Steadfastness/istiqamat is by sidq and iklas in amaal

quality of amal is with sidq and iklas (niyyat)

Have good niyyat  and munafiq have more amal but bad niyyat

Blind means those who are blind by heart whereas illuminated heart see the hidden things

Haqiqi iman =illuminated heart by haqiqi zikr

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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