“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Arif 34
1. Attraction; 2. Devotion; 3. Elevation.
Attraction —is the act of God, who draws man towards Himself. The tendency proceeding from God is called Attraction; that which proceeds from man is called Inclination, Desire and Love. Salik/traveler forget everything but God, now it is developed into Love.
No further progress in sulook = Attracted
1.self-examination+ 2.devotion=Devoutly Attracted (quality of shaik/murshid)
1.devotion +2. attraction from God = Attracted Devotee
1. devotion+ attraction from god=Devotee
Good shaik/murshid = self examination + devotion (with or without attraction from Allah)
Devotion —- journey, to God and in God.
Journey to god -1.attained to the knowledge of God 2.acknowledged that there is no existence save that of God
Journey in god—1.the knowledge of the Nature and Attributes of God 2.the mysteries of nature.
The wisest of mankind are those who have renounced all worldly desires, and chosen the calm and peaceful lot of a recluse’s life.
He is One, Ancient, First and Last, the End and Limit of all things, Incomparable, Unchangeable, Indivisible, and Immaterial, not subject to the laws of time, place or direction; possessing the attributes of holiness, and exempt from all opposite qualities.
God is always near to man, but man is always far from God, because he is not aware of His proximity. The proximity of God to all created beings is the same, for the highest and lowest are alike in His sight.
The light of God is the only thing that can reveal this proximity to the Traveller/salik.
There are three grades of proximity to God which are out of the reach of human Intelligence:
1.The proximity of Time, Place and Attributes. we cannot predicate this proximity of God. Intelligence has no road to the discovery of it.but until he shall have overcome the restraints of time and place his steps can never border on the threshold of Eternity. Eternity, in the Sufiistic sense, is the primal element of Cosmos, and takes in at one glance both past and future time.
For since the nature of God is infinite and illimitable, and no notion of time, place, or direction attaches to it, it is equally above the highest conception of the invisible world, and below the lowest material object of the sensible world. Again, their statement concerning the proximity of God to all things alike, and His comprising and comprehending all things, seems irreconcileable with any conception that human intelligence can form of His Nature.
The soul is conjoined with the body, and does not merely reside in it. the body itself even cut into pieces without any wound or hurt accruing to the soul; for the body, which is the denser of the two, cannot disturb or confine the soul, which is the more subtle.
In like manner the Nature of God pervades, comprises and comprehends everything, and is incapable of being disturbed or confined by anything.
since the Nature of God is infinitely subtle, nothing can ever veil or conceal it; for the more subtle a thing is the greater is its capacity for penetration.
He is ever near to those who seek Him, whilst those only are far from Him who by their actions fail to acknowledge that He is Omnipresent and Omniscient, knowing and seeing all they do.
When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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