Sufi Secret-Soul-Ruh-Treatment
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Sufi secret (soul-ruh treatment)
Man is supreme because 1.Blessed with senses 2.mind will 4.knowledge 5.soul in the body
How to activate trust center of the personality(immanent and transcendent)? By doing zikr (repeated remembrance of the Supreme Name of God).
Spirituality = guidance for upper part of the body(senses) and control lower part(belly and private parts) of the body.
Upper part of the body – senses +brain(mind)+heart (angelic if properly used)
Lower part of the body- belly + sexual organ (temptation and lust-animal/hywani if not checked )
Fasting—Control of the passions and desires of Nafs —regular training and practice for a disciplined life. — creates humility in one’s behavior— generates a devotee’s spiritual force which kindles divine light in the heart and develops will-power.
Don’t think much about time place or direction (feel free from all of this).
Allah is unity —–. Unified Place, Time and Essence are the Divine Silence.
Unified Place =’placeless’ Place which opens onto Infinity(‘Here’ becomes Infinity/ endless ‘There)’.
Unified Time=’timeless’ Time which opens into Eternity(la shay/no thing).
Unified Essence = Your just an entity of Allah’s manifestation.
Tahaarat-e-Zaahir = the purity of the body, without this salat/prayer and all other devotional rites are not permissible or acceptable under the law of Shariat.
Tahaarat-e-Baatin = purity of heart and spirit without which no Marifat can be attained. arrogance ,pride etc etc are veils on the spirit.
Muhasaba- Every evening he should examine his heart as to what he has done to see whether he has gained or lost in his spiritual capital. there is a sixth sense, or faculty of perception, implanted in the heart, which animals do not possess, through which we become aware of spiritual beauty and excellence
Enter into bayat with a master (receives spiritual initiation from him). (1) confession and (2) compliance with the master’s guidance.
Prayer by itself cannot eliminate the imperfections and compulsive tendencies of the novice/murid. Prayer awakens the “heart” but needs spiritual will (himmah), effort (mujāhadah), and meditation (murāqabah) on one’s tendencies to heal one’s sick soul.
Healing sick soul is by 1.bayat ( confession and compliance with the master’s guidance) 2. prayers(awakens the heart) 3. needs spiritual will (himmah), effort (mujāhadah), and meditation (murāqabah).4. The spiritual diet is also essential to keep the soul alive(zikr)
Recitation of the Holy Quran—1.increases the state of conviction of the believers 2. actually purifies and cleans the heart/soul when they are rusted(society (external factor) and ideas (internal factor)) 3.knowledge (based on belief)differentiate between good and evil, desirable and undesirable, and wanted and unwanted.
Pray for purification of heart and soul while taking zamzam (Prophet’s (saws) heart was washed with zamzam) .
knowledge —aims at enlightening the hearts, minds and souls of the mankind
Purification of soul and heart + knowledge (sharia +marifa) =divine infinite knowledge of Allah
Knowledge without purification of soul and heart = arrogance (like in case of iblis)
When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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