Veils Are Removed-Wilayat
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Allah’s siffats are hidden and apparent (alam e zahir /alam e baatin) also whereas wilayat is hidden/amr e baatin.
Wali is bound with shariat/sunnat , nothing to do with language,color,height,dress,housing, roaming,shoppping etc etc (governed under sharia).
baatin /aqidah and zaahir/amaal must be the same
Wilayat =taqwa and ahklaq.
Allah’s siffats are both zahir and also baatin.
Risalat /nabuwat is apparent/zahir(announced ).
Wilayat is baatin/hidden(not declared/announced).
Karamat is not a condition of wilayat/sainthood .
Istiqamat/steadfastness is higher than karamat , gives wilayat
Strict follower of sharia/law ,taqwa (avoding sins),heart free from duniya(anything that takes you away from allah)
Face of rasoolallahﷺ is a mirror, for us we see ourselves in him.
Niyyat/purpose AND iradah /intention
Fail / just action(with or without knowing/iradah ) AND amal/deed(continous and with knowing/iradah )
Tawakkal/takabbur /rubbbiat/uluviat suits allah alone but love/itaat
Exclusive siffats of allah for ex-tawakkal/takabbur/hisaab/rubbiat/uluviat etc etc
Exclusive siffats of creation for ex- needs like health/wealth/children/time/weight/mass etc etc
Siffats common between allah and creation are based on their respective status/dignity for ex-love /itaat /living/iradah /knowledge etc etc
Allah doesnot become angry with his slave commiting sins because his action of forgiveness is far greater than his slaves sins.
Allah does become angry when his slave doesnot repent .Repeated sins bring wrath/anger of allah.allah forgives till you do tauba/astagfar (seeking forgiveness)
General assembly =deen
Special assembly =marifat
1.Alam e nasoot/shahadat/materialistic world
2.Alam e arwah(souls)/malakut(angelic) (siffat e tajalliat decend)
3.Alam e jabrut (asma e elahi tajalliat decend)
4.Alam e lahoot (zaat e elahi tajalliat/anwarat )
Alame shahadat/duniya =full of diseases of heart (remove duniya from heart)
Alam e arwah= enlightened world +pious souls association+bait ur mamur (kaaba of the skies)+asma e elahi tajaliat +zaat e elahi anwarat+sounds of zikr e elahi by angels +nooraniat +taharat world
Usual way of happenings/natural ways of occurence is called aadat
Happenings against normal practice /usual procedure =kharke aadat
1..Irhas =by nabi before announcement of nabuwat
2.Muajiza =by nabi after announcement of nabuwat
3.maonat= by common man (not a wali/fasiq(open sinner))
4.Istidraj =by kafir (done with amaliyat)
5.karamat=by a wali/friend of allah
6.ihanat= liars who claim prophethood (opposite actions occurs-to degrade that person )
Keep tawakkal and dua
Learn from karbala (doesn’t depend on result ,it depends on haqq/truth)
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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