Ihsan-q & h 67
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Indeed, the Godfearing will (rejoice) in gardens and streams, And will (be seated) in special nearness to the Sovereign Lord of (true) power during holy sessions.54/54-55
He Who created the heavenly spheres and the earth and this (universe) in between in six periods. Then He established (His authority) on the Throne (befitting His Majesty) 25/59
And many an animal there is that does not carry its sustenance (with it)! Allah provides for them and for you too…29/60
The reward of good cannot be anything but good. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?55/60-61
And whoever strives hard (for the cause of truth) strives for his own (benefit). Surely, Allah is independent of (the obedience, submission and struggles) of all the worlds.29/6
And had We so willed, We would have exalted him by means of (knowledge and implementation of) these (Revelations), but he (himself) inclined to (the lowest levels of the) earthly life and became a follower of his lust. 7/176
Indeed, those who conceal (those verses of the Torah) which Allah has revealed, and take in exchange for that a small price, eat nothing but fill their bellies with Fire. And Allah will neither speak to them nor purify them on the Day of Resurrection. And for them is painful torment.2/174
He has brought into existence the heavens and the earth from nothingness. 42/11
He is the One Who made pairs for you from your own kind and made pairs of cattle as well, and with this (pairing) He multiplies and spreads you. 42/11
There is nothing like Him and He alone is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.42/11
Surely, Allah blesses them who live with Godwariness and who (also) live with spiritual excellence with His (special) companionship.16/128
And We are nearer to him than his jugular vein.50/16
So never pose yourselves as clean and pure; He knows best who is (really) pious. 53/32
We have created everything according to a fixed measure. 54/49
all (species of) the trees prostrate themselves (to Him alone).55/6
keep weighing justly and do not make the balance fall short.55/9
Everything will perish, the essence of your Lord will remain.55/28
O both the groups (of men and jinn), soon shall We attend to your account.55/31
The evildoers will be recognized by the darkness of their faces 55/41
Most Blessed is the Name of your Lord 55/78
Race in pursuit of forgiveness from your Lord and towards Paradise 57/21
whisper not sin, injustice, revolt and disobedience to the Holy Prophet ﷺ 58/9
whisper piety and Godwariness and keep fearing Allah 58/9
‘Open up and make room58/11
Your riches and your children are merely a trial 64/14
Safeguard yourselves and your families against a Fire whose fuel is men and stones.66/6
Rise and give warning (to the people) 74/2
keep your (visible and spiritual) attire purified and cleansed 74/3
do not do a favour (to anyone with the purpose of) seeking more from him.74/6
The place of refuge and repose that Day will be with your Lord alone.75/10
these (world-mongers) love the gains that are achievable right away.76/27
He admits whom He wills to (the circle of) His mercy,76/31
the Godfearing will be (rejoicing) under cool shades and amid springs.77/40
the Godfearing will triumph. 78/31
81/7. And when souls will be united (with their bodies),
Abdun= entire creation is Abd/slave of Allah .
Ibadina=special slave of Allah who seeks only Allah’s pleasure (liwajhillah)
Abdun+abadina=abd e mukkrab (gained qurb/nearness of Allah)
Abd e mahboob=lovable slave of Allah (loving him will get you love of Allah)
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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