Ihsan-q & h 42

Ihsan Q & A, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

There is a reward for whatever good it has earned, and there is torment for whatever evil it has perpetrated. 2/286

‘O our Lord, do not take us to task if we forget or do some mistake…lay not on us such a (heavy) burden as You laid on those before us….. put not on us (also) the burden that we have not the strength to bear, and overlook (our sins), and forgive us and have mercy on us. …2/286

O believers! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) and those (men of truth) who hold command amongst you. 4/59

And there are some amongst the people who take others besides Allah as His partners and love them as it is Allah’s due alone. But those who believe love Allah the most (far more intensely than anyone else). …2/165

(Believers)…. with their light heading fast in front of them and on their right (it will be said to them:) ‘Good news to you. Today there are Gardens for you with streams flowing under them. (You) will live in them forever. That is but a great success.’57/12

Indeed, those who believe, then disbelieve and then believe again and reject faith once more and then advance further in denying faith, Allah will never (incline to) forgive them, nor guide them to the straight road.4/137

O believers! Surely, amongst your wives and your children there are some who are your enemies. So, beware of them! And if you overlook it and forbear and forgive, Allah is indeed Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful. 64/14

Your riches and your children are merely a trial. And there is a mighty reward in the presence of Allah.64/14-15

O Prophet! When the believing women appear in your presence to take the oath of allegiance…..16/12

then accept their allegiance and seek forgiveness for them from Allah…16/12

O Prophet! When the believing women appear in your presence to take the oath of allegiance that they will not set up anything as partner with Allah and will not steal, nor will they commit adultery, or kill their children, or bring false blame which they have invented between their hands and feet (i.e., will not deceive their husbands declaring some other’s baby as their own), or disobey you in (any) matter pertaining to law, then accept their allegiance and seek forgiveness for them from Allah. …16/12

Allah is (His Self-Name) besides Whom there is no God (i.e., believe in Him alone and deny all other false gods). There are (also) many other Beautiful Names for Him (that speak of His most beautiful attributes).20/8

Satan showed arrogance, and (consequently) became one of the disbelievers. Allah has laid His curse on satan. Satan and kuffar are friends to eachother. the spendthrifts are the brothers of Satan, and Satan is most ungrateful to his Lord.

7/14 (Allah) said: ….You have no right to show arrogance here. ..

7/15 He (Iblis) said: ‘Grant me respite (to live) till the Day when people will be raised up (from the graves).’

7/15…(Allah) said: ‘Indeed, you are of those granted respite.’

7/16 He (Iblis) said: ‘Since You have led me astray, (I swear that) I will (also) sit on Your straight path ……. I will assuredly approach them(children of adam(as))

7/17 Allah commanded: ‘(O Iblis!) Be gone from here, humiliated and cursed. Whoever of them will follow you, I will certainly fill Hell with all of you.

15/35…..(Allah) said: ….And, verily, the curse will (persistently) rest upon you till the Day of Recompense.’

38/85…..He said: ‘By Your Honour, I shall certainly turn all of them away from the straight path with persistence, Except those of Your servants who are chosen and exalted ones.’

15/42….……Iblis said: ‘O Lord, because You have led me astray, I will (also) best adorn and embellish for them (the sins, revolts and violations) in the earth and will certainly lead all of them astray by all means, Except for those exalted servants of Yours who have attained freedom (from my deceits and intrigues of the ill-commanding selves).’

15/42….Allah said: ‘This (freedom from these deceits and intrigues(ill commanding selves)) is the (very) path that leads straight to My Threshold. Surely, you will in no way be able to influence My servants (who have attained this freedom from you) except the misguided lot who have adopted your way.

7/18….. O Adam, reside (both) you and your wife in Paradise and eat from wherever you wish. And (beware!) Do not go near this tree lest you become of those who transgress.

20/120…..Then We said: ‘O Adam, verily, this (Satan) is an enemy to you and your wife. So let him not get you both ousted from Paradise; then you shall be put to toil.

20/115….. We had given a strict command to Adam but he forgot. And We did not observe in him any intention (to disobey) at all (it was just an omission).

Taqwa(piety)=avoiding sins +obeying Allah’s commands

Wara = abstention from prohibited things (haraam)

7 organs of body/7 doors of hell- eyes/ears/tongue/stomach/private parts/hand/legs (commiting sins)  for example 1 speaks bad (enjoys) and 1 listens (enjoys) =both are sinners

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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