About Allah-Space-Time-Direction

About Allah, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

It is atheism (ilhaad) then to call Allah —-body/jism or atom/smallest particle (jawhar) or reason/aql  etc etc

No anthropomorphism in islam (god taking human shape or form/mujassamat)

Allah is only on the Throne is based on Bible.

 “Oppose the People of Book (Jews & Christians)” (musnad ahmad 2234)

To be taken allegorically/mutashabihat not literally like misguided groups do.early Muslims used to interpret figuratively.

for example Hands of Allah, foot, shin, laughter, his descent, his establishment etc… The true and actual meaning of these are known by none but Allah, however while explaining to ultra-curious laymen the best opinion is to interpret them into what suits Allah’s Majesty.

“There is nothing whatsoever like unto Him, and He is the All-hearing, the All-seeing” (Qur’an 42/11)

wajh/face mean Dominion.

Days of creation mean phases in creation .

We shall forget them means We shall abandon them to their punishment.

shin will be exposed means a day of war and direness (dire matter shall be disclosed) .

looking at their lord means Without modality, without direction, without establishing distance.

Laughter of Allah means it is mercy .

Coming of Allah  means “His recompense (thawab/rahmat) shall come.”

Istawa means with the height of sovereignty(al mulk) and power(al qudra), not the height of displacement and movement to and fro.

About space –time-direction

Ijma of Sahabas [ra] held the view that Allah has no makaan (place, station).

It is not to be asked ‘Where’, ‘How’, or ‘When’ for He created The time as well as space.”

 “Allah was without place, and He is now as He was then(no change) (Meaning existing without direction or place)
 ‘Uluww (highness) and ‘Athmah (greatness), and this is without spaces (Al-amākan), directions, and limits as these qualities are attributes of ajsam (bodies or created things).

He, the exalted, is not localized in space (mutahayyiz) as that necessitates tajsīm (anthropomorphism)

Allah  existed when there was no place, then He created the Throne and kursiyy. He did not need the place, and He is, after creating the place, as He was before He had created it.”

“There is nothing whatsoever like unto Him, and He is the All-hearing, the All-seeing” (Qur’an 42/11)

Remove DUNIYA from heart when meeting PEOPLE

Remove I/MYSELF from heart when meeting ALLAH.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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