Haqiqate Muhammadi (saws)-Fana
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Musa(as) wanted to see zaat e elahi but ended up seeing mountain (siffate tajaliat). Taubah of musa(as) after this episode is for not negating self existence /I .
tajliat e siffat /attributes (musa(as)) ,kalaam e siffat (musa(as)) in alam e khalq(creation) ie mount tur. tajliat e zaat /essence(no alam e amr/command),kalaam e zaat/essence (Muhammadﷺ ) at la makaan/no place .Irada/amr ie intention/command is not Allah so essence/zaat is free from alam e amr/command .reality of Allah can be unveiled only with reality of self ie be in him and visualize him ,based on Allah’s will not on our efforts ie fana becomes fani and what remains is baqi (baqa). Toubah gives fana (uncousiouness) to baqa (cousiouness).
Anwar e elahi (realities of beauty) gets obsorbed into the hearts of sufi’s/arifeen so blessings /barakah are gained from associated things of arif/awliyaAllah.
Kashf/ilham/karamat =ilm e ludni
No existence of self =unveiling of beauty.
Tajalli means zaahir/apparent( zaahir e jalwa e zaat e elahi/unveiling of beauty of light)
Deedar means seeing with eyes
Jalwa e husn (noor ) =zaahir of Allah
Heart of prophet Muhammadﷺ (creation of la makaan /no place) is jalwa e zaat e elahi .
Reflections of zaat e elahi are falling on nafs e muhammadiﷺ
Miraj =mojiza(miracle ) meaning which cannot be understood by brain/intellect. Space /time/direction is squeezed during miraj.Brain is for interpretation and heart is for understanding.brain depends on sense organs and heart is for certification/understanding .for example colours cannot be differentiated by other sense organs(except eye) same way intellect cannot make brain understand what is colour? Same way taste cannot be appreciated by eyes.
Singularity /wahdat =no place/time
Qasrat /abundance =has place and time.
Upward journey =Qasrat (place and time) to wahdat (no time and place)
Downward journey = wahdat (no time and place) to Qasrat (place and time)
Subhanalzi =ascending of prophetﷺ
Van najm =desending of prophetﷺ .
Makan /place =from earth to sidra tul muntaha (lote tree) .
La makaan /no place (wahdat/singularity) = after sidra tul muntaha (lote tree)…..
While addressing common people Allah ﷻ said he makes us to travel on land and sea .while addressing mehraj ,Allah said “I took him to mehraj”.
Musa(as) was given time and place while for prophet Muhammad ﷺ Allah sent a buraq for travelling.
Allah is with us with respect to ujoodh/subsist and siffat/attribute ( zaat-cannot be comprehended) we cant see him and Allah is with prophet muhammed ﷺ but he is seen(mazar e zaat e elahi/reflection of essence).
Alim/scholar does debate/munazara/competation but a sufi (people of love) does mushahada/witness the beauty and does not fight/argue. companionship with a sufi helps you understand things which cannot be perceived by intellect like miraj.
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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