Aulia -Essale Sawaab Graveyard
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Aulia visitation
Imam Muslim narrates that the Prophet ﷺ even visited his honourable mother’s grave, which is in a place between Makkah and Madinah. He cried there and made everybody else also cry.
why was the Jannatul Baqi` in Madinah made the holiest graveyard because of the Holy people who were going to be buried there, a fact which clearly shows that not all graves and graveyards are the same in status and Darajah (level), according to the Shariah.
Those graveyards in which Holy people are buried are definitely higher in Status and Baraka.
Bayhaqi narrates in Shu’ab al-Iman that the Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever visits the grave of his parents or the grave of one of them, every Friday, he will be forgiven and his name will be written among the pious ones”(Man zaara qabra abawayhi au ahadihima fi kulli Jum’ah, ghufira lahu wa kutiba barran).
If visiting the graves of one’s parents can result in such a blessing, what about visiting the graves of the esteemed friends of Allah (subhanu wa taala)?
We ask, when the Prophet of Islam ﷺ has encouraged us to visit graves regularly and considered it a cause for Maghfirah, then how can anyone ever condemn it?
It is narrated in Sharhus Sudoor by al-Imam al-Suyuti that Nabi Muhammad ﷺ said that when you visit the graveyard, you should read Suratul-Ikhlas, Suratut-Takathur and Suratul-Fatiha, and present the reward of the recitations as a gift to the inhabitants of the graves. Nabi Muhammad ﷺ explains that these souls will then make du’a for you, asking Allah (subhanu wa taala) to forgive you and bless you.
The souls of the departed have the ability to make Du’a for the living, asking Allah (subhanu wa taala) to help the living who are visiting them.
(Kanzul Ummal by al-Imam al-Muttaqi) it is narrated by Sayyidina ‘Ali (r) that the Nabi Muhammad ﷺ said: “Whoever goes to a graveyard or passes by a graveyard and recites surat al-Ikhlas eleven times and gives the thawab (reward) of the recital to the dead buried there, will receive the same thawab for it as the dead people.
In fact the Nabi Muhammad ﷺ is encouraging us to recite surat al-Ikhlas and present the thawab of it as a gift to the dead when we visit them.
The sahabi, Abu Hurayra, urged some
people to pray 2 raka’ahs in Masjid Ashaar and told them to say after the
prayers, “Haaza li Abi Hurayra”. THIS IS FOR ABU HURAYRA (Abu Dawud vol 2 p236)
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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