
Alam, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Alam e barzack

Total wealth =belongs to Allah alone.

Total creation=mazar e afaal (reflection of actions)

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  =mazar e zaat (reflection of essence)

Anbiya /prophets=mazar e siffat (reflection of attributes)

Awliya /pious people=mazar e asma(reflection of names)

Anbiya’s ruh are nourished with tajaliat e elahi

Shuhada’s ruh is near arsh e maula

Aulia’s ruh is in the highest maqam in illiyin.

Muslim’s ruh is in illiyin/peacefull locations.

Kafir’s ruh in sijjin/punishable locations.

Ruh keeps in touch with the body of barzack wherever may be the location of ruh.

To meet people of barzack while sleeping( imam hasan basri(ra))

After isha ,offer 4 rakah nafil salaah with surah fathiha and surah takasur in each rakat and sleep with continous recitation of darood o salaam . repeating it every night in sha Allah you will see the status of the deceased.

Rejection of haqiqi dream is kufr/disbelief.

Keep doing essale sawaab for the deceased person.

Ruh gives faiz/blessings to the body so that body doesn’t decay with respect to pious people ruh is in illiyin and also same time it gives faiz to the body of barzack(alive).spiritual world is free from direction/space/time/distance etc etc. qurb/nearness doesnot depend on distance.

Muslims love death because they meet Allah(beauty) and his prophetﷺ (peace) ,there is beauty and peace.actual life is in jannah with deedar e elahi./sight of Allah.

Ruh always wants to leave body/cage and reach alam e arwah/lahoot/hahoot/jabroot (celestial world)

Momin’s ruh loves to meet Allah and sinner’s ruh loves duniya.

ilm e baatin/tasawuf –part of shariat dealing with purification nafs/heart and soul for becoming insan e kamil/perfect with the help of a murshid .this knowledge is very selective and secreative .for example hz yaqoob(as) said to his son(hz yousuf(as) ) not to talk about dreams in front of his brothers. This is because common people will create fitna out of their small understanding/intellect.

Hz ali (as) is maula and wali for momin’s and prophet Muhammad ﷺ  is closer to momin’s than their own souls.hz ali(as) is the door and prophet ﷺ  is the city of knowledge.

Quran and ahle baith are close to each other.hz ali (as) is with quran and quran is with hz ali(as).

Fahm e quran is with hz ali(as).

Adat-character(continued repeatedly)

All the stages are baatin /hidden in heart/soul)

Soul/actual interpretation=heart/actual +mind/interpretation

Purification of soul =deny desires

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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