
Masoom, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


The sinlessness (ismat) of the Prophets is proven from the Quran, Sahih Ahadith and Consensus of the Ummah, as well as from a rational point of view. Only someone who is bereft of comprehension will reject this.


1. Allah(swt) said to Shaitaan, “You will not gain hold over My favoured servants.” – 15/42

2. And even Shaitaan conceded, “O Allah(swt)! I shall lead all of them astray except those who are Your close servants.”– 15/39-40 . we come to know that Shaitaan cannot reach the Prophets.

 3. Hadrat Yusuf (as) said, “It is not befitting for us, the group of Prophets, to associate partners to Allah subhanu waatala” 26.13 – 12/38

4. And Hadrat Shuaib (as) said to his people, “I do not intend doing that which I stop you from doing.’– 11/88

the Prophets don’t even intend committing polytheism or infidelity (kufr). This is the reality of sinlessness (ismat).

5. (12/53)Hadrat Yusuf (as) didn’t say, “My nafs orders evil,” but, “Ordinary nufoos (plural of nafs] order people to do evil except for those which Allah(swt) showers His mercy on,” and these belong to the Prophets. We come to know that the nafs of any Prophet will never deceive him.

6. (3/33) This establishes that the Prophets are more excellent than the entire creation. Bear in mind that sinless angels are included in this, Their quality is that they are never disobedient to Allah’s(swt) command. If the Prophets were sinners, the angels would be more esteemed than them.

7. “Zaalims (i.e. transgressors of Allah’s(swt) command) will not attain My promise of Prophethood,”– 2/124 .We come to know that transgression and Prophethood can never be combined.

“O My people! There is no deviance in me but I am the Messenger of Allah– 7/61 ‘Laakinni’ proves that divergence and Prophethood cannot be joined because the former is darkness and the latter is Noor. It is impossible for these two to coalesce.


1. “There is a Shaitaan named Qareen present with every person, but my Qareen has become a Muslim and now advises me only towards good.” Mishkaat, Baabul-Was ‘wasaa

2. A Hadith states that Shaitaan hits the baby at the time of childbirth, except for Hadrat Esa (as), who he couldn’t even touch.

3. From Mishkaat, Kitaabul-Ghusal, it is proven that the Prophets do not experience nocturnal dreaming because there is a Shaitaanic effect in it. Even their wives are free from them!

4. The Prophets do not experience yawning because this too is a Shaitaanic effect. It is for this reason that ‘Laa Haula … ‘ is read at that time.

5. The Holy Prophet’s chest was opened and a piece of flesh was removed. It was then said, “This is a Shaitaanic piece.”  Mishkaat, Baabu Alaamaatin­Nubuwwah .It is ascertained from these that the nafs of the Noble Messenger was free from any Shaitaanic effect. His heart was also washed with Zam-Zam water.

6 . The Holy Prophetﷺ once said, “Shaitaan runs away from the path Umar travels on.” – Mishkaat, Baabu Munaaqibi Umar (ra)” We now know that whoever has the blessed sight of the Prophet upon him is also saved from Shaitaan. So, what can be said about the Prophets themselves?


The Muslim Ummah has always been agreed (ijmaa) on the Prophets being sinless.

Only the cursed. Deviant sect, Hashwiya, rejected this.

The books Sharah Aqaaid Nasafi, Sharah Fiqh-e-Akbar, Tafseeraat-e-Ahrnadia, Tafseer Roohul-­Bayaan, Madaarijun-Nubuwwah, Mawaahibul-Ladunya, Shifaa Sharif, Naseemur-Riyadh, etc. have all explained this.

(42/52) Allama Ismail Haqqi (ra) writes, “It is agreed that before attaining revelation (wahi), the Prophets were mu’mins. They were sinless [from major sins as well as those minor ones which lead to contemptibility before and after revealing their Prophethood. Thus, how can they commit infidelity (kufr)? Tafseer Roohul-Bayaan .

(42/52)Mulla Jeewan (ra) writes under this ayat, “It is unanimously accepted that the Prophets are sinless from kufr before and after attaining revelation. Likewise, according to the general body of Ulama, they are also free from committing major sins.” Tafseeraat-e-Ahmadia .

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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