Tauheed-Spirit Doesnot Die

Shariath, tauheed-

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

35/22-23-We understand and believe that it is Allah who grants the deceased the power to hear, and that they will only hear if Allah Most High wills, but this does not prove that the deceased cannot hear in their graves. We have already discussed this topic and provided you with all the necessary verses to prove that the deceased can hear in the grave. In the verses, Allah Azawajal is addressing Rasulullah (saws) and AllahAzawajal is telling him that he cannot make the people of the grave hear: only Allah has the ability to do this. This is what we believe. We do not believe that it is in our power to enable the Prophet’s and pious to hear, only Allah creates this ability as Allah Taala says in the Quran:

35/22 Lo! Allah maketh whom He will to hear.

Even the living cannot hear without Allah’s will!

8/21-23–In these verses Allah Azawajal has called those who do not believe in His message as deaf, though if Allah Azawajal chooses to do so he can make them hear and therefore they will believe and have faith in His message. So we understand from this that the disbelievers are deaf, but if Allah wills He can make them hear. These verses are talking of the living, so obviously if the living cannot hear without Allah’s will and nor can the dead, this must mean that the deceased only hear when Allah wills. We cannot enable the deceased to hear, nor is it in their own capability, only Allah creates this ability for them, and only when Allah wants to make them hear they will hear.There is no difference in the manner of hearing between the living and the deceased. The disbelievers have been called deaf and dumb metaphorically as Allah Almighty has said to them in the Quran:2/18 Deaf, dumb and blind; and they return not.This verse is not describing the disbelievers in a literal manner, only in a metaphoric way, as they do not hear, see or understand the message of Allah.

The pious do not actually die. The human is made up of two things, the body made from clay and the inner spirit. The inner spirit is what animates us and that is what makes us human. The body can die and rot away but the inner spirit will never die, it is eternal. For this reason, when someone dies, we say so and so has passed-away which means just passing death. For example, if one were to pass by a door then we would say that he has passed by the door; he would have only been in front of the door for seconds. This is why when the pious die they only pass by death and they then regain life and enter the hereafter. As Allah Almighty says in the Qur?an:

3/185 Every soul shall have a taste of death

This verse informs us that every soul shall experience death; and we know that an experience is momentary: it is in the moment and the experience soon passes. Likewise, in relation to life, when death approaches, the actual time in which your soul is taken is an experience  which will soon pass. This proves that the pious shall only taste death for a matter of seconds, and after that, the taste of death will go and the pious will regain life in the hereafter.


15/28 -30It is proven from these verses that at first, humans were made out of clay. Our human aspect only occurred when the spirit was blown into it; and even before the human form was made from clay the spirit existed. So when the human has to die it is said that the soul is taken: it does not die as it eternal.

7/172-173—These verses prove that before our birth we were all alive. The spirit was present, alive in front of Allah. The spirit further testified that Allah is their only Lord. It also proves that the spirits had the ability to talk as the following verse also proves:

3/81 —This is also proof that the spirit was alive in the spiritual world before we were born and not only did the spirit have the ability to understand but also to speak. They were particularly given knowledge about the Excellency of our beloved Rasulullah (saws) and they understood this.


3/169 and 6/162—These verses prove that the spirit does not die, it is not only alive but it is receiving provision from their Lord.


The spirits of the deceased meet daily with the living

6/60 and 39/42 –From these two verses we learn that while we are asleep, our spirits go to Allah where the spirits of the deceased are already present. So in this way, the living and the deceased spirits have the opportunity to meet and talk with one another. Whatever the living person discusses with the deceased person is sometimes remembered the next morning, in the form of a dream. Though at other times it is changed or forgotten due to Iblis filling the mind with different images and occurrences. Some may object that this is not true because the people of this world cannot meet with the people of the next because there is a barrier between them both, as Allah Almighty says in the Quran:

23/99-100The actual meaning of these verses are that when a person is very close to their death, they ask Allah to allow them to go back to this world so they can earn more good deeds; as the verse says, when death cometh unto one of them, he saith: My Lord! Send me back. Though Allah tells that person that they cannot go back to this world to earn good deeds, as there will always be a barrier between them and coming back to this world to earn more good deeds.

As Allah Azawajal says in the Quran:

6/28 —We do not say that the dead can come into this world physically, though they can come into this world spiritually. However, in the hereafter they are alive both spiritually and physically.

It is proven in the Quran that a living person can meet the deceased without being in the state of a dream!

32/23 –There are many various translations of this verse, however the Arabic word used Li Qa ihi means meeting this is the accurate translation. This verse proves that Rasulullah (saws) once met with Sayyidina Musa (peace be upon him). When Rasulullah (saws) told the people of his meeting with Sayyidina Musa (as)some of them doubted his meeting because they thought that how could Rasulullah (saws) someone who was alive meet with a deceased Prophet? It was for this reason that Allah Almighty revealed the verse recited. Allah Azawajal revealed the verse for Rasulullah (saws) to inform the people, that just as there is not doubt in Allah revealing a scripture to Sayyidina Musa (as)there is no doubt in the meeting between his two Prophets.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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