Tauheed And Radd e Shirk-Power

Shariath, Tauheed And Radd E Shirk

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Tauheed and radd e shirk 3

He may give respect to a one who is disgraced and cause disgrace to one who is respected. He guides whom He Wills on the right path and removes whom He Wills from the right path. He grants closeness to whom He Wills and allows whom He Wills to become cursed. He gives to whom He Wills and seizes from whom He Wills.’Whatever He does or will do is Just (Allah azzawajal is Supreme and Just).

To give benefit and loss is in His Power.

He does as He Wills and commands whatever He Wills. It is His grace that He has promised Paradise (Jannat) to the believers

His Works are full of wisdom, whether we know of them or not. He does not need a reason to do anything.

Through His Wisdom, He has made one thing the means for another. He has created eyes for seeing, ears to hear, fire to burn and water to quench thirst. If He Wills, then the eyes may hear, the ears may see, water may burn and fire may quench thirst

Allah does not dwell in the creations.He is not everywhere, He is not on the throne .He is not in the sky or in Paradie or contained in a place.He Subhanahu Wa-Ta’ala exists without beginning, and without a place.The saying that Allah, ta’ala, exists without a place is the belief and the creed of the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Companions and the True Salaf and Khalaf, those who graciously followed them, and it shall be until the Day of Judgment. (istawa means his sovernity/shan e mulkiyat over the throne).

the word istawa has fifteen (15) different meanings, among of which are to sit, to subjugate, to protect, to conquer, and to preserve.

It is an istiwa’ which is clear of touching, resting, holding, moving and containment. Al-arsh does not carry Him, but rather al-arsh and those that carry al-arsh are all carried by Allah with His Power and are subjugated to Him

“Had He been in a place needing to sit and rest, then before creating al-arsh where was Allah?”,

Allah Ta’ala is present and in existence. The term used to define this is “Hai”.

“There is nothing like Him and He has the attribute of Hearing and Seeing.”

Allah was alone in al-‘azal, (the status of existence without a beginning,) i.e., before creating any of the creation. There was nothing with Him: no place, no space, no sky, no light, and no darkness.

Allah, the Exalted, does not change.

“Allah existed eternally and there was no place. He existed before creating the creation. He existed, and there was no place, creation, or thing; and He is the Creator of everything.”

“All those in the heavens and earth must come to Allah as a slave.

Allah is almighty clear from the sitting, movement, size, shape, form or change. Allah is great

Allah is attributed with: Existence, Oneness, Eternity, Everlastingness, Non-neediness of others, Power, Will, Knowledge, Hearing, Sight, Life, Speech, and Non-resemblance to the creation.

Allah does what and as He Wills, for there is none with control over Him, He is the one who sees the entire creation and never tires. He is the Sustainer. He is more Merciful than one’s father or mother. He is the Compassionate. His Mercy is the hope of broken hearts. He creates the form of a child in the mother’s womb as He Wills. He is the One who is most forgiving. He is the one who accepts repentance.

Spiritual Roza/saum

Jism/body e saum –fasting from dawn to dusk

Ruh/soul  e saum- adopting taqwa ,prevents you from bad ahklaq, fulfilling the needs of needy people.

Taqwa =avoiding sins(thoughts and actions)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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