Taqleed-Fuqaha Defination

Shariath, Taqleed

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)



Deen (Totality /kulliyat) = way of living (islam+iman+ihsan)

Islam=is a deen /way of living not just mazhab/religion.

Mazhab/religion=juzz/portion of deen (dealing with spirituality)

Sharia=practical following of deen/deenipath

Deen/islam is the same but shariat varied accordingly with respect to ambiya(as)

Every ummat=shariat/general path+minhaj/detail path

Science of shariat=kull/complete(zaahir/baatin)

Science of fiqh=juzz/portion of shariat(zaahir)

Science of tasawuff/tazkiya=juzz/portion of shariat(baatin)

Fiqh/ilm ul ahkam e sharia/Islamic law /Islamic jurisprudence.

fiqh=ilm e shariat e ahkam(science/knowledge of practical sharia)

Fiqh=hukm/order+hikmat/reason(science of practical sharia)

Jurisprudence/usool e fiqh=principles of law

Ijtehad=chapter of fiqh/tafaqu feed deen.

Taqlid means following AND ijtehad means deductive reasoning /research.

Fiqh is outcome of ijtehad AND Ijtehad itself is fiqh

Fiqh=science of code of conduct (order/ahkam)

Fiqh=without fiqh you cannot understand quran.

Understanding quran =from quran/from ahadith/practices of sahaba/ilm etafsir/fiqh /ilm e lugat/grammer/dictionary etc etc



Virasat e ambiya +khalifatur rasool

Imam jafar as sadiq(as) head of all fuqaha (most of them directly/indirectly are his students)

Higher than muhaddis/narrators of hadis +abid (extensive ibadat).Muhaddis writes without changing ahadith(rivayatul ahadis/narators)

People who explained in detail about ahadith(fiqh ul hadis/knowledgable).

When Allah intends good to some one ,he makes him faqhi (gives indepth understanding of deen)

Ilm e nafae(if has knowledge of tasawuff)

Can fight with shaitan than an abid.

People with knowledge of ahkam e shariat ,they can gain expertise in quran/sunnah

Knowledge is from mouth to books AND Knowledge is from heart to heart.

For ex- quran was revealed on harf/letter

Has baatin/zaahir meanings (hidden/apparent meanings)

Each zaahir/apparent has ibtida/initial and inteha/final meanings

Each baatin/hidden has ibtida/initial and inteha/final meanings

Quran =enclosed with all sciences(socio-political-economics-educational-medicine-human rights-astro physics  etc )

Education must be 1 =deen/Islamic education +duniya/modern education

Our knowledge is backward not islam.

Looking at what Perception/angle =quran gives answer  (First study the subject/basics with that view point then check quran/sunnah/fiqh)

Ulema e rabbani=marifat e elahi+taqwa+faqhi+soft hearted+Hilm(sufi fuqaha)

Alim-sufi=extremists AND  Alim+sufi=ulema e rabbani

Alim knows AND fuqaha=knowing in depth.

Alim=allah makes his good servant faqhi(ilm e sahi).

Alim=no personal opinion without ijtehad/deductive reasoning .

Ijtihad is closed meaning no new madhab (new madhab is a fitna)

Ijtihad is opened meaning research/reasoning /ijtihad e masail

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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