
Shariath, Taqdir

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

As per His Knowledge, He has written all good and bad as they are to happen and as it was to be done.  He has written as we would to do. His writing did not force any person to do anything. This is known as Taqdeer.The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) has said that one who rejects Taqdeer is like the fire worshippers in this nation. Allah with His self knowledge knew that they were going to sin, so He wrote that which they were to do. You can now realise that whatever we will do, Allah has knowledge of it. Allah recorded this knowledge on the sacred Tablet and this is Taqdeer.

Fate is of three types
(a) Mubram‑e‑Haqeeqi refers to inevitable fate and is not changeable.
(b) Mu’allaq Mahz refers to that which is evidently pending the books of the Angels and can be changed.’
(c) Mu’allaq Shabi Ba Mubram refers to that which is not evidently shown to be pending in the books of the Angels, but it is in the Knowledge of Allah, that it is a pending situation (can be changed for example through the duas of Allah’s chosen servants).
Mubram‑e‑Haqeeqi can not be changed.

Muallaq items refer to those items of Taqdeer which can be reached by most Awliyah Allah. Through their duas and through their striving, it can be alleviated.

The issues relating to fate (Taqdeer) can not be understood by ordinary minds. To go too deep into trying to understand this can lead to destruction. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique and Umar‑e‑Farouk (radi allahutala anhumul ajmaeen) were even asked not to discuss this issue at length.

When the Angels descended upon the nation of Lut (alaihis salaam) with punishment, Hazrat Ibraheem (alaihis salaam) began to protest about the nation of Lut (alaihis salaam) meaning Most Pious servants of Allah have a say in His Exalted Court. They(pious servants) verily have great right to be heard in His Court.

For eg- on the day of Qiyaamah the child will demand for the forgiveness of his parents with Allah in such a way that a creditor demands from one who owes him.

To think that you are totally powerless or completely powerful, are both Gumrahi (deviation from the true path).

when you do any good, then say that it is from Allah and if you do any bad, then attribute it towards your evil desires (nafs).
Allah azzawajal is free from shape, size, space, direction, time and all that which is Haadith (created).

To see Allah azzawajal in ones worldly life is only unique to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him),

As for the issue of seeing spiritually or in a dream, then this was bestowed upon various Ambia‑e‑Kiraam (alaihimus salaam) and also certain Awliyah Allah.

When seeing Allah, it is without exhilaration, in other words one who sees will not be able to describe what he saw.if the mind (intellect) reaches it (engulfs it) then it is not Allah, for the mind can not reach (engulf) Allah. It is also Muhaal (absolutely impossible), that the eyes will encircle Allah when seeing him.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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