Surah 85-97

Shariath, surah

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Dars e quran

And what they thought bad of muslims only this that they believed in Allah, the Dignified, all Praised.85/8

And He is the Most Forgiving the Loving to His righteous bondmen.85/14

The Owner of the Honour able Throne.The Doer of whatever He wills.85/16

But it is a glorious Quran.In well guarded tablet.85/22

Undoubtedly, he attained to his goal who purified.87/14

And offered prayer remembering the name of his Lord.87/15

But you prefer the living world.And the Hereafter is better and lasting.87/17

Toiling, labouring hard;They shall enter a blazing fire;88/4

And you love wealth exceedingly.89/20

Have you not seen, what did your Lord with Aad?89/6

And the Command of your Lord comes and also the angels in rows after rows,89/22

‘O you peaceful soul.’Return to your Lord well pleased with Him, and He well pleased with you.89/28

Again, he should he of those who believed and counseled among themselves to be steadfast and counseled among themselves to be merciful.90/17

I swear by this City;And O beloved! you are dwelling in this city;90/2

And by your father Ibrahim and his progeny that you are;90/3

Undoubtedly, We created man in toil.90/4

And He found you drown in His Love, therefore gave way unto Him.93/7

By the growing brightness of the morning.93/1

And by the night when it covers.93/2

Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor He was disgust.93/3

And undoubtedly, the following one is better for you than the preceding one.93/4

And undoubtedly, soon your Lord shall give you so much that you shall be satisfied.93/5

Did He not find you an orphan, then give you shelter?93/6

And He found you needy so He enriched you.93/8

So, put not pressure over orphan.93/9

And chide not the beggar.93/10

And publicize well the favours of your Lord.93/11

Have We not expanded your breast?94/1

And We have exalted for you your remembrance.94/4

Undoubtedly, there is ease with hardship.94/6

So, when you are free after prayer, then strive hard in invocation.94/7

And attend to your Lord only.94/8

By the Fig and the Olive.And by Mount Sinai.And by this city of Security.95/3

Undoubtedly, We have made man in the fairest stature.95/4

Is not Allah the Greatest of all rulers?95/8

Recite with the name of your Lord Who created,96/1

He made man from the clot of blood,96/2

Recite, for your Lord is the Most Generous,96/3

Who taught writing by the pen.96/4

Taught man what not.96/5

Yes, undoubtedly, man transgresses.Because, he thought himself self-sufficient.96/7

Yes, hear him not and prostrate and draw near to Us.96/19

The blessed and valuable Night is better than a thousand months.Therein descend angels and Jibril (the Spirit) by the command of their Lord for every affair.That is all peace till the rising of the dawn.97/5

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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