Sirat Ur Rasool-Beloved

Shariath, Sirat Ur Rasool
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)   SIRAT UR RASOOL (SAWS) –KNOWING ALLAH (SWT) AND HIS RASOOL(SAWS)7 Allah is the Friend of those who believe, He leads them from the depths of darkness into light. (2/257). A Book which we have revealed to you, in order that you Might lead mankind out of the depths of darkness into light.” (14/1)From one Aayat. Allah to be bringing out from darkness to light and in second Aayat Huzoor (Sallallah-0-Alaih-i-Wasallam) is to be confirming to bring out from DARKNESS TO LIGHT. -Certainly all honour belongs to Allah! (4/139)-And honour belongs to Allah, and His Messenger and to the Believers”. (63/8)The first Ayat asserts that all dignity (HONOUR) belongs to Allah and the second confirms that dignity belongs to Allah, the Prophet (SAWS) and the Believers. -But Allah purifies whom He pleases. (24/21)And he (the Prophet) purifies them. (2/129)The first ayat states that Allah is the (PURIFIER) while the second states that the Prophet (SAWS) is the Purifier. 49/1. O believers! Do not step ahead of Allah and His Messenger ([blessings and peace be upon him] in any matter) and keep fearing Allah (lest some discourtesy should occur displeasing the Messenger [blessings and peace be upon him]). Surely, Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
49/2. O believers! Do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him), and (also) do not speak to him so loud as you are loud when you speak to one another (lest) all your actions should come to nothing (including your faith), and you are not even aware (that your faith and all pious works have been wrecked).
49/3. Assuredly, those who keep their voices low in the presence of Allah’s Messenger (out of profound veneration and submissiveness), it is they whose hearts Allah has chosen for Godwariness and permeated with sincerity. For them alone is forgiveness and an immense reward.
49/4. Verily, those who call out to you from outside your apartments, most of them do not have the understanding (of your exalted station and incomparable status and polite manners of veneration that are due to you).
49/7. And remember that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) is amongst you. If he accepted what you say in most of the matters, you would be in serious trouble. But Allah has blessed you with the love of faith and has embellished it in your hearts and has made you hate disbelief, disobedience and sins. Such are they that follow the path of Din (Religion) resolutely and steadfastly. 49/8. (It) is due to Allah’s bounty and favour (i.e., the raising of the untaught Messenger and his presence amongst you). And Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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