Shirk-Finding Best Example

Shariath, Shirk

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Best examples to understand tauheed and shirk

example of isa(as) cover various aspects of tauheed and shirk like khalq (creating a thing)/ilm (knowledge)/raising the dead /giving health(giving profit ) /giving eyesight(siffat)

Allah said I breathe My (divine) spirit into ….(15/28-29)

Allah is our creator and created for his worship …(51/56)

Allah says he created death and life for testing us who is best in conduct…(67/2)

3/49—-And he will be a Messenger to the Children of Israel, (saying to them:) ‘I have undoubtedly brought to you a sign from your Lord: I design for you from clay (a figure) like the shape of a bird; then I breathe into it; and at once it becomes a flying bird by Allah’s command. And I restore health to the born blind, and the lepers, and raise the dead to life by the command of Allah. And I inform you of (all) what you have eaten, and what you have hoarded in your houses. Truly, there is a sign in it for you if you believe.

Isa(as) creates(khaliq) bird with clay and blows breath into it -thus it becomes lively. Igive sight to one who is born blind (it means allah created him blind by birth but isa(as) gave him eyesight).isa(as) said I will give health to leprosy patient.isa(as) said I bring back dead man to life.isa(as) said I can disclose what have you eaten and have you stored (knowledge)

Ie  allah create a thing and isa(as) creates a thing —–allah didn’t give eyesight but isa(as) gave—-allah gave disease isa(as) gave health—-allah gave death but isa(as) gave life—isa(as) knows hidden things also.

Isa(as) said I do all these things with the permission of allah —this tauheed.

ie with the permission of allah you can create things-give life-give eyesight-give health-give life-know the secrets/knowledge

If you remove with permission of allah everthing will sound shirk —-If you add with permission of allah it is tauheed.

So when you say with allah’s blessings/permission –its tauheed not shirk

Nabi/rasool/Aulia allah all don’t have powers on their own, its with the help of allah they do .so this is tauheed. If isa(as) can do this -think about the esteem status of rasoolalla(saws).

Difference is atayi/temporary/non eternal/limited  for creation and its zaati/permanent/eternal/ unlimited  for allah. metmorphical/majazi or  haqiqatan/literary meaning.

biz zaat and kamil/perfect-Allah alone is our ilah(fullfiller of needs) ,khaliq/khadir(powerfull) .Allah alone is responsible for health and wealth . Allah alone is responsible for profit and loss .Allah alone gives hidayat/guidance. Allah alone gives rizq .Allah alone gives ilm.

Dua for protection against shirk—Allaahumma innee ‘aoothu bika an ushrika bika shaiann wa anaa a’lamu, wa astaghfiruka limaa laa a’lamu. Translation: O Allah, I seek refuge in You lest I associate anything with You knowingly, and I seek Your forgiveness for what I know not.(Ahmad 4/403)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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