
Salam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)



There are two types of ibaadats in namaaz – Qawli and Fi’Ii

Qawli (by word) – This is the recitation of the Holy Quran, the Tasbeeh of Ruku and Sajda and reading At- Tahiyaat.

Fi’li (by action) – These are four: Qiyaam, Ruku, Sajda and sitting.

Qiyaam is to stand straight, in the manner that the hands cannot reach the knees.

Ruku is to bend to the extent that the hands reach the knees.

Sajda is having 7 body parts touch the ground (the part beneath both feet, the knees, palms, nose & forehead). (the nose and forehead are counted as one because they are both from one part of the body, i.e. the face) .

Before Islam, it was permissible for the Ummats of other Prophets to stand or sit, go into Ruku or Sajda, or complete any action to demonstrate respect for someone (not with the intention of worship, but purely with the intent of respect and reverence).

Allah(swt) made the angels peform Sajda-e-Taazimi (the Sajda of Respect) for Hadrat Adam (as), and Hadrat Yaqoob (as) and his sons made Sajda­e-Taazimi for Hadrat Yusuf (as). – Holy Quran

However, Islam has ruled Sajda-e- Taazimi and Ruku-e- Taazimi to be Haraam but has left Qiyaam-e- Tanzimi (standing in respect) and sitting in respect to be permissible.

This establishes that a rule of the Quran can be made inapplicable (mansookh) by the Hadith, because the former confirms the Sajda of Respect while the latter abolishes it.

It should also be remembered that bending or placing the head on the earth before someone will only become Haraam when Ruku and Sajda is intended by these actions.

Yes, to bend until one reaches the position of Ruku and then makes Salaam is Haraam (i.e, to bend for making Salaam in respect, until the position of Ruku, is Haraam).

If bending in respect was for some other action, then it is permissible (e.g. to straighten someone’s shoes, etc.) This difference should always be remembered as it is very helpful.

Shaarni states, “To bend close to Ruku and gesture in making Salaam is like Sajda {i.e. it is Haraam). Muheet states that to bend before a king is Makrooh-e-Tahrimi.,, Vol. 5, Kitaabul-Karaahiyah, Baabul-lstibraa

Verily, whatever is believed to be good by Muslims is accepted likewise in the sight of Allah(swt).

An action deemed as Mustahab (preferable) by Muslims is also Mustahab according to the Shariah.

“O Muslims! Help and respect our Nabi. ﷺ” –48/9 There is no restriction in respect. Rather, the method of respect of any place or time should be used on condition that the Shariah has not made it Haraam, e.g. the Sajda and Ruku of Respect.

The command of “Respect him” (Tuaqiroohu) is absolute, i.e. every type of permissible reverence can be used, irrespective of whether it is found in the Khairul-Quroon or not.

“Whoever respects the signs of Allah(swt) has this from the piety of the heart.” – 22/32

Allama Ismail Haqqi (ra) writes that anything which attains a religious greatness becomes a sign of Allah(swt) and thereafter respecting it is necessary, e.g. some months, days, places and times, etc. This is why Saffa and Marwa, the Kaaba, month of Ramadaan and Lailatul-Qadr are all shown respect. – Tafseer Roohul-Bayaan

Remembrance (zikr) of the Prophet’s ﷺ birth is also from the signs of Allah(swt). As a result, standing adequately fulfils the respect that is needed for it.

Besides Sajda, Ruku and other forbidden acts of respect, any mode of reverence that is popular in any country is permissible.

The emotions and inclination of the heart lead actions to become the worship of Allah(swt).

It is stated in the biography of Hadrat Imam Maalik (ra) that he never rode a horse on the earth of Madina. Whenever he taught Hadith, he would firstly make Ghusal, wear clean clothes, apply itr (perfume) and sit with reverence and awe.­ Introduction of Ashiatul-Lam ‘aat and Mirqaat .

Tell us, did any Sahabi respect the Hadith or Madina Sharif in this manner? No! This is the inclination and emotion of Imam Maalik’s (ra) heart, so it is thawaab indeed.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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