
Salam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


It was the practise of the Shah Wali-Allah (ra) to emulate and remember daily, the practises of Shaikh Muhammad Ghawth Gawalyary (ra) after seeking permission from his teachers Mawlana Abu Taahir Madani and Shaikh Muhammad Sa’eed Lahori (ra). In this (practise) is recorded the following : “Call on Ali whose life is an open miracle. When you invoke him, he will help dispense all your difficulties.” (Al Intibah Fi Salaasil Awliya Allah, Page 138)

Hadhrat Mawlana Shah Abd al-Azeez Muhaddith Dahlawi (ra) says that if one knows that although all help comes from Allah, to call upon another for help is allowed. He says that Awliya and Prophets also sought help in this way. Thus if one asks for help from another, he is infact, asking for help from Allah. (Tafseer Azeezi, Page 10)

Ibn Khateer (ra) in his book Al bidayah wa al-Nihaaya states that during the Yamama expedition the call of the Muslims was “Ya Muhammada”.

……….There is no servant of Allah who recites Salutations upon me, except that HIS VOICE REACHES ME from wherever he is”(Jila-ul Ifhaam, by Ibn Qayyim)

“Those who visit my grave and recite Durood I can hear them and those who recite Durood from far away their Durood is brought to me”.

The real meaning of this Hadith is this, that we hear the Durood of the close by and not only do we hear the Durood of the one far away but we make it approach us and be heard.”We hear the Durood of the loved ones and make sure that those who are not the loved ones, their Durood still reaches us”.

Darood gives reward/sawaab but salam gives muhabbat and nisbat with rasoolallah ﷺ .its the reply of rasoolallah  ﷺthat raises us in this world and hereafter.

When you enter the musjid say salam on rasoolallah ﷺ and read the dua of entering the musjid same when you live the musjid ie with salaam on rasoolallah ﷺ with dua of coming out of musjid (ibn majah sunan 773,bayhaqi 02/442)

Imam Tibraani (ra) has recorded this Hadith narrated by Hadhrat Abu Darda (ra) :The Holy Prophet ﷺ said: “Increase your recitation of Durood on me on Friday because on this day Angels present themselves to me. There is no servant of Allah who recites Salutations upon me, except that HIS VOICE REACHES ME from wherever he is”. The Companions asked even after your departure ? “He replied, Yes after my departure too, because Allah has made it Haraam upon the earth to consume the bodies of the Prophets”. (Jila-ul Ifhaam, by Ibn Qayyim)

“When a person greets me, Allahu Ta’ala sends my soul to my body and I hear his greeting.”

Imam Jalaal’uddeen as-Suyuti (ra) listed 17 of these explanations. In the book Anba’ al-adhkiya’ fi hayat il-anbiya’ he said that “radda” means “‘ala al-dawam”, i.e. permanently, and not temporarily: in other words, Allah does not return the soul and take it back, then return it again and then take it back again, but He has returned it to the Prophet ﷺ permanently, and the Prophet ﷺ is alive permanently, not intermittently as some ignorant people have suggested.

Since there are always people at prayer (Salaah) in the world during the entire twenty-four hour cycle, and sending Salawat on the Prophet ﷺ is part of Salaah, therefore people are constantly and permanently invoking blessings and greetings on the Prophet ﷺ without stop in the world. .

That indeed he is alive in permanence, since Allah has entitled him to return every single Salaam that is made to him.

Rasoolullah ﷺ liked the poetry of Hassan ibn Thabit (radi allahu’anhu) the most. He offered the Mimbar to Hassan (ra), who would censure the enemies and praise Rasoolullah ﷺ on the Mimbar. Rasoolullah ﷺ on hearing the poetry of Hassan (ra) prayed, “Allahumma ayyidhu bi rooh hil Qudus !” (meaning : Oh Allah let (Jibra’il) be his helper (in recitation) !) (Mishkaat)

When Rasoolullah ﷺ made Hijra and entered Madina, the people sang out, tala`a al-badru `alayna min thaniyyat al-wada`wajaba al-shukru `alayna ma da`a lillahi da`’Ulama from time immemorial have been writing and reciting Na’at and Qasa’id in Praise of Rasoolullah ﷺ in a variety of languages.

“Qiyaam is consistently practised by famous Imams. None of them refuted or denied this. Therefore, it is Mustahab (recommended)”. (Iqaamatul Qiyaamah, Page 19, Noori Qutub Khana)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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