
Risalat, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)




Allah Ta’ala created from His Noor (light) our beloved Prophet, before any other thing.The Prophets, the Angels, the Earth, Skies, Heavens, etc. have all been created from the ray of the Holy Prophet’s (saws) light (Noor).

Except for Allah Ta’ala or being equal to Allah Ta’ala, our beloved Prophet (saws) has been given whatever qualities there are, and whatever excellence exists, by Allah Ta’ala. In the whole universe, there cannot be anything or anyone with the same or greater quality than our beloved Prophet (saws).

The Holy Prophet (saws) is the most virtuous creation and a delegate of Allah Ta’ala. All the Ambiya (alaihimus salaam) were sent down to a particular group of people or a particular nation, but the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saws) was sent to the entire creation.The Holy Prophet (saws) is Mercy unto the humans, Angels, Jinns, animals and all the other creations of Almighty Allah and his special blessings is upon the human beings.The Holy Prophet (saws) is the Prophet of all the other Prophets and it is a necessity for everyone to follow the Prophet (saws).Allah Ta’ala has gifted the Holy Prophet (saws) with the keys of all Allah Ta’ala’s treasures. All the world and religious gifts are provided and created by Allah Ta’ala and shared and given out by our beloved Prophet (saws).Allah Ta’ala gave our Prophet (saws) the unique gift of Me’raj, meaning that Allah Ta’ala called him above the skies (Arsh) and showed him His Vision with the Prophet’s (saws) own eyes.The Prophet ((saws) listened to Allah Ta’ala’s Voice and was given a tour of Jannat (Paradise), Dozakh (Hell), Arsh (above the skies) and Kursi (Throne).On the Day of Judgement, our Prophet ((saws) will be the first to perform intercession, meaning that he will intercede for people in the Court of Allah

Ta’ala.There are many other qualities, too much to mention in this short section.If someone treated any of the Holy Prophet’s (saws) quotations or actions or deeds or situations as not worthy or looked upon them with degrading value, then they are Kaafirs.

The Leader of the Prophet’s, Prophet Muhammad (saws)

Allah Almighty, first of all created ”Noor” (light) of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (SAWS) and then created all the worlds from his Noor. Had he not been created nothing would have been created. He is the soul of all universes.Allah Almighty took covenant from all Prophets that if Hazrat Muhammad (saws) came in their time they would certainly believe in him and help him.
The Holy Prophet is the best and highest of all and so is his family. No one like him has been born and even will not be born.At the time of his birth all idols placed in holy Ka’abah fell flat and there was a surge of luminous light that his (revered) mother saw the palaces of the king of Syria.

The Holy Prophet was shadowless being ”Noor” (light) through and through because Noor has no shadow.A piece of cloud often hung over his head and trees rushed towards him to provide cool shelter under the burning sun though he was not yet declared Prophet formally.Fragrance emanated from his blessed body and sweat which surpassed the sweet odour of musk and saffron and whichever way he passed would become fragrant.Allah Almighty has endowed him with all treasures of all the worlds and authorised him to distribute from them at his own sweet will. Allah’s will lies in his will.Each and every bounty and favour which all creatures of Allah receive in this worlds and the world hereafter are owing to him. If Allah is praised His Beloved Prophet’s renown is also exalted as he is Allah’s Darling Elect. In short, the greatness and dignity of the Holy Prophet is beyond human attainment. He is a unique agglomeration of all bodily qualities merits and spiritual perfection.


When a Prophet performs an action that is impossible to perform to prove his prophecy and it astonishes the Kaafirs, it is known as a “Maujizaa”. For example, to bring back to life the dead or to split the moon into two with the movement of the finger.

When people see a Maujizaa, the truth of a Prophet is accepted. False liars who claim to be a Prophet cannot perform these types of miracles. Allah Ta’ala never gives the false claimants of Prophethood the power to perform Maujizaas, otherwise one would not be able to distinguish the difference between the true Prophets and false claimants.

That which happens naturally/willed by allah is called qudrat .

Those miracles which a Nabi performs are called “mujiza”.

That miraculous action which a Wali performs is known as Karaamat.

Those miracles which ordinary believers cause to occur is called “Ma’oonat” .

Those so‑called miracles which are performed by open sinners/kaafirs are called “Istidraaj”.

A nabi/rasool can show maujiza at any time meaning they can show same miracle again and again but a wali cannot guarantee the same karamat again and again.

Mujiza/karamat both are supported by the allah’s help , permission and  power .

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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