
Risalat, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


It is not compulsory upon Almighty Allah to send Prophets. Through His Grace, He sent down Prophets for the guidance of the people.

It is also of utmost importance to know what is permissible, compulsory and absolutely impossible for a Nabi, since to accept a Muhaal (that which is absolutely impossible) and to reject what is compulsory is the means to infidelity.

A Nabi/prophet refers to that human, on whom Allah sent down Wahi (revelation) for the purpose of guidance. Rasool/messenger is not only specific to humans, as there are Angels as well who are Rasools. All Nabis were human and men. Neither has any Jin or woman been a Nabi.

It is necessary for revelation to descend upon a Nabi, be it through an Angel or without any means.

The Wahi of Nabuiwat is only unique to Nabis. One who accepts this for any non Nabi is a Kaafir. That which is shown to a Nabi in his dream is also Wahi (revelation) and it can never be false.

Some things are made apparent to Walis (saints) either in their dream, or whilst they are awake. This is known as Ilhaam.

The Shaitaani revelation is that which is the whispering of Shaitaan. This is for soothsayers, conjurers and other Kaafirs and open sinners.

Nabuiwat (Prophethood) is not something that one can attain through striving or through worship. This is something that is bestowed by Almighty Allah, that through His Grace, He has bestowed it upon whom He Wills.( worthy of this position, the most exalted character ,whose body, words, actions and movements are pure ,the most perfect intelligence etc etc) One who accepts that Nabuiwat is attainable through striving and Ibaadat is a Kaafir.

It is compulsory for a Nabi to be “Maasoom” (absolutely free from the ability to sin) and this is a unique quality of Nabis and Angels only.
Ismat‑e‑Ambia means that the Ambia have been promised protection by Allah, for which reason, it is totally impossible for them to sin and this is different for the Great Imams and the Awliyah Allah. Almighty Allah protects and they do not sin, but according to the Shariah it is not Muhaal for it to happen.

It is unanimously agreed that the Nabis are pure from anything which is dishonorable behavior or qualities, such as Shirk (associating partners with Allah), Kufr (infidelity), lies, dishonesty, and ignorance etc, before attaining Nabuiwat and even after attaining Nabuiwat. They are pure from major and minor sins even before Nabuiwat is bestowed upon them, thus Maasoom.

The Nabis have passed on all the commands to the people which Almighty Allah revealed upon them for the people.

It is absolutely impossible for Nabis to make mistakes and errors in propagating the commands of Allah.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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