
Risalat, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Almighty Allah allows that which he wishes to do to come into existence and all the unbelievers are left speechless. This is called a Mu’jiza, like the camel of Hazrat Saaleh (alaihis salaam), the Aasa (staff) of Hazrat Moosa (alaihis salaam) and his brightly shining hand, Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam) bringing the dead back to life, curing the leper, and those born blind, and the mu’jizas of our Prophet (saws) are numerous.

That which happens naturally is called qudrat .

Those miracles which a Nabi performs before Nabuiwat and are called “Irhaas”.

Those miracles which a Nabi performs after declaration of  Nabuiwat and are called “mujiza”.

That miraculous action which a Wali performs is known as Karaamat.

Those miracles which ordinary believers cause to occur is called “Ma’oonat” .

Those so‑called miracles which are performed by open sinners/kaafirs are called “Istidraaj”.

The Nabis are alive in their graves like they were alive on earth. To fulfill the promise of Allah ‘Every soul shall taste death’, they tasted death for a moment and were then given life again. Their lives are much more exalted than that of the Shaheeds (martyrs). In this sense, the belongings of the shaheeds can be distributed and their wives can remarry afterwards, but this is not so when it comes to the Prophets.

All the other Ambia (alaihimus salaam) were sent to a specific nation, but the Holy Prophet (saws) was sent to all mankind, jins, Angels, animals, and the entire creation. It is Fard upon the entire creation to respect the Prophet (saws).

The Prophet (saws) is Mercy unto, the humans, Angels, Jins, Hoors (maidens of Jannat), Ghilman (servants of Jannat), animals and all the creation of Almighty Allah, and he is most merciful upon the Muslims.

The Prophet (saws) is Khaatimun Nabiyeen meaning that he is the Final Prophet of Allah. Almighty Allah has closed the doors of Prophethood after the Prophet (saws). No new Nabi can now come either in the era of the Prophet (saws) or after this. Anyone who accepts that a new Nabi could come in the time of the Prophet (saws) or after his time, or one who even thinks this to be possible is a Kaafir.

Huzoor (saws) is the greatest and most exalted of all Allah’s creation. All splendours have been gathered in the Prophet (saws). All those that have received any splendors, have received it through the blessing of the Holy Prophet (saws), Through the Grace of Almighty Allah, the Prophet (saws) is totally perfect in his being.

It is absolutely impossible for anyone to be like the Prophet (saws).Anyone who shows anyone to be equal to any of Huzoor’s (saws) unique attributes in any way, is a mislead person or a Kaafir.

The entire creation wants Almighty Allah to be pleased with them, and Almighty Allah Wills the pleasure of the Prophet (saws).

 From amongst the Unique blessings bestowed upon the Prophet (saws) is the Me’raaj (ascension in to the heavens) he was blessed with such closeness, that has never been bestowed upon any human or Angel ever before and will never be bestowed ever to anybody else. He saw Almighty Allah with the eyes of his head and he heard the Kalaam of Allah without any means and he saw and understood every atom in the heights of the heavens, the skies and the earths.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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