Risalat-Educated Prophet

Risalat, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Educated prophet ﷺ

Ummi rasool = taught by allah (not illiterate).

Ummi rasool=origin/starting point(entire creation is from him) 

Word ummi means origin used for rasool,makkah etc etc

Education /language/knowledge carry vast meanings in literature.

Most knowledgeable is the prophet in the entire creation so obvious that the creator taught him . questioning about prophet’s knowledge is a shamefull act.

Nabi means one who discloses the unseen.

See the ahadith of suleh hudebiyah,where in rasool(saws) erases and does write .

rasool(messenger)/nabi(prophet)/ummi(taught by allah) all are mentioned in 7/157

al-Ummi =who imparts to the people from Allah the news of the unseen and knowledge and secrets of socio-economic disciplines of life without himself being taught by any human in the world.

Rasool/nabi=who enjoins on them virtues and forbids them vices, declares wholesome things lawful and impure ones unlawful for them

Rasool/nabi =removes from them their heavy burdens and yokes (i.e., shackles) weighing upon them (due to their acts of disobedience and blesses them with freedom).

Gibreal(as) is a medium for communication ,not a teacher .

Eyes of the prophet are closed but heart never sleeps/ghafil.

Gibreal’s (as) eyes touched the feet of rasoolallahﷺ when he wanted to wake rasoolallahﷺ  during mehraj.gibreal(as) could not go beyond sidra/lote tree,rasoolallahﷺ went beyond and met allah .

Mehraj=from masjid e haraam to masjid e aqsa to sidra to la makan

Prophet ﷺ is taught by allah.

rasoolallah ﷺ is witness/warner/helper over entire creation of allah.

rasoolallah ﷺ knows all the languages because he is being sent for the entire worlds.


1.belief in the messenger

2.veneration and reverence of the messenger

3.serve and support his deen

4.follow the light(quran) 7/157

rasoolallah ﷺ is rauf and rahim for entire ummah not just for sahaba(same way check for all his names)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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