
Risalat, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


To respect a Nabi is “Farz‑e‑Ain” (meaning that it is fard upon every individual personally). In actuality it is the reality of all Fard. The slightest disrespect or falsification of the word of any Nabi is Kufr.

Don’t  use derogatory terms when explaining the history of certain Prophets.

From Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam) upto our Nabi (saws) Almighty Allah sent various Nabis. Some of them are very clearly mentioned in the Holy Quran whilst others are not. Those names of those Nabis which are clearly mentioned in the Holy Quran are: Hazrat Adam, Hazrat Nooh, Hazrat Ibraheem, Hazrat Ismaeel, Hazrat Ishaaq, Hazrat Yacoob, Hazrat Yusuf, Hazrat Moosa, Hazrat Haroon, Hazrat Shuaib, Hazrat Lut, Hazrat Hood, Hazrat Dawood, Hazrat Sulaiman, Hazrat Ayoob, Hazrat Zakariyah, Hazrat Yahya, Hazrat Esa, Hazrat Ilyaas, Hazrat Al Yas’a, Hazrat Yunus, Hazrat Idrees, Hazrat Zul Kifl, Hazrat Saaleh (alaihumus salaam) and the leader of the Prophets, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (saws).

Almighty Allah created Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam) from sand, without a mother or father and appointed him as his Khalifa (Representative). Almighty Allah blessed him with the knowledge of the names of everything. Almighty Allah commanded the Angels to make Sajdah to him. All obeyed the command except shaitaan (who was from the fraternity of Jins, and was a great worshipper and was thus counted amongst the Angels). He refused and became cursed forever.

Man did not exist before the creation of Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam). All humans are the offspring of Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam). It is for this reason that humans are called “Adami”, in other words “The Children of Adam” and Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam) is known as “Abul Bashr” meaning the Father of all humans.

The first Prophet/nabi on earth was Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam) and the first Rasool/messenger that was sent towards the unbelievers was Hazrat Nooh (alaihis salaam) .

To allocate an actual figure for the number of Ambia is not allowed, since there are various narrations on this issue. To allocate a set figure could cause one to bring faith in one less Nabi or to make a non Nabi a Nabi and both these are kufr. We should thus have this belief, that we bring faith in all the Nabis of Allah.

The Nabis have different levels. Some have been given excellence over others and the most exalted of all is our beloved Rasool (saws). After Huzoor (saws) the greatest status is of Hazrat Ibraheem (alaihis salaam), then Hazrat Moosa (alaihis salaam), then Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam) and then Hazrat Nooh (alaihis salaam). These Prophets are known as “Mursaleen ulul Uzm” These five Nabis are greater than all other Prophets, humans, Angels, Jins and all the creation. Without comparison, just as the Prophet (saws) is the greatest amongst all the Prophets, through the blessing of the Prophet (saws), the Ummat of the Prophet (saws) is the greatest Ummat of all Ummats.

All the Ambia have been blessed with a very exalted status in the Court of Almighty Allah. To say them (Allah forbid) to be like cobblers in the court of Allah is open blasphemy (gustaaki) and words of Kufr.

One of the evidence of a Nabi’s claim of Nabuiwat is that he makes the true claim of Nabuiwat and takes the responsibility of performing actions which are generally impossible for any person and he calls those who do not believe towards this.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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