Mehraj-Ujoodh And Siffat

Mehraj, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Creation exist only due to the subsistence (ujoodh) of Allah. Creatures are but a form that don’t have anything and Allah supports them with his ujoodh.

“Creations can never become Allah. Allah can never become a creation. But, no creation can subsist without Allah being with it.” the creations do exist but, there existence is due to the  existence of Allah. We exist within Him(by ujoodh and siffath). we are in his knowledge like how a writer writes what he wants (everything is in his knowledge) allah exists by himself and we are not allowed to think about His ujoodh for His ujoodh and Zaath are same for Him.

Allah created us with His ujoodh. But, He has not changed a bit due to the creation of this universe. “Huwa al aana kama kana alaihi” (He is now as He was before). He is pure from changing, breaking, cutting into pieces, getting into something, something getting into Him, etc., etc. Allah has not changed a bit in any way in His essence and He will not.

Existence, Power, Hearing, Seeing, Speech (Kalaam), Knowledge and Will (Iraadah) are all His Self Attributes, but He does not depend on ears, eyes and tongue to hear, see or speak, since these are all physical forms (body) and Allah is free from any physical form.

Just as His Being is Qadeem, Azali and Abadi (all these terms mean non‑created always was, always will be); His attributes are also Qadeem, Azali and Abadi.It must be understood that Allah azzawajal is Self Existent. Allah azzawajal is All Existing” in other words not created, always was and always will be. with the exception of Allah’s Being and His Attributes, everything else is a creation. His Attributes are neither the same nor separate from his Being. In reality His attributes can not be separated from Allah’s Being.

Allah Ta’ala is “Waajibul Wujood”, in other words, His Existence is compulsory. His destruction is impossible. Allah Ta’ala always was and always will be. The term used to define the continuous existence of Allah Ta’ala is “Qadeem”.

“Qadeem” means “that which always existed and will always exist”.

Like Allah Ta’ala, His Qualities are also “Qadeem”. With the exception of Allah Ta’ala and His Qualities, everything else is “Haadith”.

“Haadith” means “a creation or that which was created by Allah Ta’ala”.

Allah Ta’ala is present and in existence. The term used to define this is “Hai”.

“Muhaal” is “that which will never be possible, that which can never be”. Allah Ta’ala is free from lies, tyranny, ignorance and shamelessness. These qualities are totally “Muhaal” for Allah Ta’ala.

Existence, Power, Hearing, Seeing, Speech, Knowledge and Intention, etc. are the Divine Qualities of Allah Ta’ala.

Allah Ta’ala is free from all human forms.

Wahadat e shuhood/mushahada=Wahadat e wujood is shuhood

Wajeeb ul wajood meaning wajood e haqiqi

Wujood e itabari=hijabat/veils

Through spiritual exercise veils from nafs, ruh, heart ,sirr, sirr us sirr,ahkfa and khafi will be lifted.

no creation can subsist without Allah being with it.” the creations do exist but, there existence is due to the  existence of Allah.

Anal haq means I’m truth= people who have dissolved their identity in wujood e haqiqi say this.they say to ordinary people to realize the presence of wujood e haqiqi.

There is no concept of hulool in islam . Allah Ta’ala is free from all human forms.

Reward for ibadat with fear is different and reward for ibadat with love is different.

Allah’s nearness/love is gained through nafil/extra ibadat.allah increases all the qualities of hearing,speaking,seeing etc of that wali, therefore there is no question of distance,space,speed,time,language,power,direction etc etc

Bad(against sharia) is from nafs and good is from allah alone. Parallel/alternative/deceiving thoughts are from shaitan.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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