Mehraj-Divine Light

Mehraj, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Shabe mehraj

Narrated by Jaber (ra) who narrates it from the Prophet (ﷺ) that the People of Heaven (Paradise) will be busy in their delights and suddenly a divine light will glitter over them.  They will raise their heads to find that their Lord  is manifested on them saying ‘Peace be  upon you O’ People of Heaven’. The Prophet  (ﷺ) said, this is the exegesis of the verse  “سَلَامٌ قَوْلًا مِّن رَّبٍّ رَّحِيمٍ ” ( Yasin – 58 ).  The Prophet  (ﷺ) said ‘ The Sustainer looks at them, they see  their Sustainer; and they do not look at any of the graceful things provided to them  as long as they are seeing  their Sustainer, until their Sustainer gets back into the veil.  And the traces of His Light will remain on them.  (Tirmidhi, Mishkaath).

Narrated by Mu’adh ibn Jabal (ra): Allah’s Apostle (ﷺ) was held up one morning from observing the dawn prayer (in congregation) along with us till the sun had almost appeared on the horizon. He then came out hurriedly and Iqamah for prayer was observed and he conducted it (prayer) in brief form. When he had concluded the prayer by saying As-salamu alaykum wa Rahmatullah, he called out to us saying: Remain in your places as you were. Then turning to us he said: I am going to tell you what held me from you (on account of which I could not join you in the prayer) in the morning.

………..”I got up in the night and performed ablution and observed the prayer as had been ordained for me. I dozed in my prayer till I was overcome (by  vision or dream) and Lo, I found myself in the presence of my Lord, the Blessed and the Glorious, IN THE BEST FORM. He said: Mohammad (ﷺ)! I said: At your service, my Lord. He said: What these highest angels contend about? I said: I do not know. He repeated it thrice. He (Prophet Mohammad – ﷺ) said: Then I saw Him ( Allah –ﷻ  ) put HIS PALMS between my shoulder blades till I felt the coldness of HIS FINGERS between the two sides of my chest. Then everything was illuminated for me and I could recognize everything (in Heaven and Earth)”. (Ahmad, Tirmidhi)

” I saw my Lord ( in al-Asma’ wa al-Sifat ) in the form of a curly-haired, beardless young man wearing a green robe”  (Bayhaqi)

Suyuti  interpreted it either as a dream or, quoting his Shaykh Ibn al-Humam, as “the veil of form” (hijab al-sura).

….‘Allah ( ) is not hidden from you”(bukhari)

…..soon you will see your Sustainer (Rab) openly. (Bukhari – Muslim – Mishkaath)

….. ‘you worship Allah ( ) seeing Him, and in case you fail to see Him, do your prayer knowing fully well that He is seeing you”.( Bukhari, Muslim) 

…… ‘You will certainly see your Lord as you see this moon, and there will be no trouble in seeing Him’. (Bukhari, Muslim)

In the above Hadith, there is no condition of time or place. Probably the addressees of this Hadith were Prophet’s () exclusive companions who were rewarded with  unveiling (Kashf –  Spiritual vision).

…… I saw Light نُور (Allah’s Tajalli-e-Zaati). (Muslim, Book # 1, Hadith # 342). 

……“He is light  نُور, I saw Him. (Muslim, Book # 1, Hadith # 341).

It is important to note that Allah’s light ( نُور )  is within his Zaat.  It is not that Zaat-e-Elahi is within His light ( نُور ). We cannot confine Zaat-e-Elahi into His own light, ( نُور ) or into a form,  shape, or body;  exclusively divine or creature like.  If you do that, it will be shirk.

Narrated by Ibn Abbas (ra): Ibn Abbas (ra) said that Prophet Mohammad () said – I saw my Lord, the Exalted and Glorious in the most beautiful form.  Akrama (ra) said, on this  I submitted,  does not Allah ( ) say  that “Peoples’ eyes cannot perceive Him.  He perceives their eyes.”, then  Ibn Abbas (ra) said, Hey ’ this is true when Allah’s ( ) refulgence (Tajalli) is from the divine light which is the “Light of His Unity”  (Tajalli-e-Zaati). Prophet Mohammad ()  has seen his Sustainer (Rab) twice”. (Tirmidhi).

 We believe in all Quranic verses, in all Ahadith that have reached to us from authentic sources.  We also believe in sayings of Sahaba, the interpretations of Imams of Fiqh and Theology and our Shuyook of Ihsan. 

 When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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