Manners-Eating Drinking

Manners, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


If a visitor comes, he should also be urged to join you. Do not smell the food.

Star with ‘Bismillaah end with Al-hamdu lillaah

Do not use towel after washing hands before eating, The hands should be dried up with a towel after washing them at the end of eating session .

Start eating as soon as the bread is served, without waiting for the curry. That is why it is better to serve the bread at the end of service

Don’t criticize food ,if disliked simply leave it to one side without complaining .

Remove the shoes before EATING.Sit on the floor and EAT.

To cover the utensils when not in use, be it with a stick if nothing else is available.

When eating meals with another person, do not stop eating until he has finished eating. For this will embarrass him.

Do not leave a fire burning in your houses while you are asleep.

One must seek permission to take others to an invitation.


after eating wash the plate and drink it. One who does this is as if freeing forty slaves from the people of Prophet Ismail (upon whom be peace).

Do not eat hot food or hot drink, as there is no blessing in excessively hot food let it cool down. Do not blow on the food to cool it.

one third of the stomach should be for food, another third for drink and the final third for air i.e. to allow us to breath.

When drinking, one should pass the vessel to one’s right.

Should breathe three times in the course of a drink. Should not drink while standing. Should not breath or blow into a vessel .

Before drinking (water or any other drink), first recite BISMILLAH. When having finished drinking say ALHAMDULILLAH .

Try to take your time and drink the glass of water in 2-3 gulps. Don’t chug it all down in one go.

One should not drink from a chipped end of a cup.

One serving should drink last.

Pray ‘Bismillah Hirahma Niraheem’ and drink with your right hand as the devil drinks and eats with the left hand. Say ‘Alhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen’ after drinking.

Supplication After Drinking Water-‘Alhamdulilla Hilladhi Saqana ‘Adhbann Furotann Birrahmatihi Walam Yaj’Alhu Milhann Ujajann Bidhunoo Binaa”

Supplication After Drinking Milk-Pray ‘Bismillah’ and pray this supplication after drinking milk:’Allahumma Baarik Lana Feehi Wazidna Minhu”

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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