Janaza-Time Of Death

Janaza, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Kafaan/ shroud


If there appear agonies of death on the dying man recite “Surah Yaaseen” and “Surah Ra’ad”

It is better that some pious and virtuous men remain beside him so that they may pray to Allah Almighty for themselves as well as for the good of the dying man. No bad word should be spoken before him.

The signs of death are that one’s legs slacken rendering him unable to stand, nose becomes inclined to one side, temples sink, skin of the face stiffens etc.When the death of one is nigh and the signs of death appear his face should, according to Sunnah, be turned on his right facing the Qiblah if possible otherwise not.

At this critical juncture of his life, “Kalimah Taie-yib” or “Kalimah Shahaadat” must be recited before him aloud in a suggestive way but he should not be stressed to do so. If he recites once, give up the suggestion and if after that he utters some thing then repeat “Kalimah(s)” so that his last word be “Laa Ilaaha Illal Laahu Muhammad ur Rasoolul Laah”.

Fragrance be placed there. For example, incense or aloe stick may be burnt. If there is any dog or picture in the house remove that immediately as the Angels of mercy do not enter such house.

After the soul has left the body of the dying man i.e. death is confirmed, the head and the chin should be fastened together with a wide strip of cloth thereby to close the month, eyes be closed gently and fingers, hands and legs be straightened.

While closing the eyes recite this Du’aa/ “Bismil Laahi wa ‘Alaa Millati Rasoolil Laah. Allaa Humma Yassir ‘Alaiehi Amrahu wa Sahhil ‘Alaiehi Maa Ba’dahu wa As’idhu Biliqaa-ika waj-al Maa Kharaja Ilaiehi Khaieram Mimmaa Kharaja ‘Anhum” (Allah, in the name of, and in accordance with the community (religion) of the Messenger of Allah. O’Allah! Make his task easy for him and make light for him what follows, grace him with Your Sight and make the hereafter (the place where he has gone) better for him than the world he left).

Or atleast Bismil Laahi wa ‘Alaa Millati Rasoolil Laah(Allah, in the name of, and in accordance with the community (religion) of the Messenger of Allah)

Then cloths be taken off and thereafter the whole body be covered with a sheet of cloth. A weighty thing but not too weighty like iron or wet-clay may be put on the stomach so that it does not bulge out. It should be placed on a “Charpai” (four-poster) or any other raised thing but not be left on the ground.

His debt, if any, must be cleared immediately. All relatives and friends of the deceased be informed in order that more and more people may participate in funeral prayer. Washing, shrouding and burying the dead must be hastened, for, Ahaadees lay emphasis on it.

The Holy Quran can be recited near the dead provided that the body is fully covered with sheet or any other cloth, otherwise, other “Tasbih” and “Zikr” (remembrance of Allah) be done.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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