Janaza-Things To Do

Janaza, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Kafaan/ shroud


If there appear agonies of death on the dying man recite “Surah Yaaseen” and “Surah Ra’ad”

repeat “Kalimah(s)” so that his last word be “Laa Ilaaha Illal Laahu Muhammad ur Rasoolul Laah”.

While closing the eyes recite this Du’aa — Bismil Laahi wa ‘Alaa Millati Rasoolil Laah

Fragrance be placed there. For example, incense or aloe stick may be burnt. If there is any dog or picture in the house remove that immediately as the Angels of mercy do not enter such house.

one should shoulder the front right-leg of the four-poster and then the back right-leg and thereafter the front left-leg and then the back left-leg walking ten steps on shouldering each leg. Thus the distance covered will be forty paces.

Funeral prayer == Recite “Sana” (in which add “Wajalla Sana-o-ka” after “wa Ta’alaa Jadduka”)+ Durood-e-Ibraaheemi (Reciting any other Salutation is also permitted)+ DUA (If one does not remember the specific Dua, he can recite:’ALLAHUMMA-GHFIR LIL MUMININA WAL MUMINATI’)

In Janzah, the last saf is the best out of all the odd number saf’s.

If the Funeral Prayer is ready, and there is a danger of missing it by going for a bath / ablution, one must join it after doing Tayammum.

One can join the janzah even after the fourth takbber until the Imam has not said salaam. After the salaam of the Imam, he should say Allahu Akbar thrice (Duree Mukhtar) and say salaam.
A child born alive or dead will be given a name and on the day of Qayamat the child will be resurrected.

While lowering the body into the grave–“Bismillaahi wa Billaahi wa ‘Alaa Millati Rasoolillaah ()”

It is “Mustahab” to put the earth over grave from the head-side with both hands three times. 1. recite- “Minhaa Khalaqnaa Kum”  —- “Wa Feehaa Nu’eedo Kum” —–“Wa Minhaa Nukhri-jokum Taaratan Ukhraa”

Staying on the grave after burial for some time.

Do talqeen by standing at the head of the grave .

say-“O So and so Son of So and so”.”Remember the creed (Kalima Tayyiba) upon which you departed from this world, testifying that there is no god but Allah (), and Muhammad () is His servant and messenger, and that you accepted Allah ()as your Lord, Islam as your religion, Muhammad () as your prophet, and the Quran as your exemplar.” Muajam al Kabir Tabrani 7/287

(If you don’t remember the mothers name of the dead) say “O so and so son of amma hawa “

It is Mustahab to recite Surah Baqarah’s verses from one to five (from “Alif Laaam Meeem” to “Muflehoon”) at the head of the grave and verses from 285 to 286 (Aamanar Rasool to the last) at its foot.

Then one should recite Durud Sharif three, five, seven or an odd number of times. Thereafter one should recite however many surahs of the Holy Qur’an; for example, Surah Yasin, Surah Mulk, the 4 ‘Qul’s’, Surah al-Fatiha, Alif-Laam-Mim until “Muflihun” and the Ayah al-Kursi, and “Amanar Rasulu”. Finally, one should recite Durud Sharif and send the Thawaab to the deceased [Esal-e-Thawaab]. It is best that one makes the intention of sending the reward to all the mu’minin and mu’minat (male and female believers,) as everyone shall receive the full reward without their rewards being decreased. [Radd al-Muhtar]

General Dua- Allahumag Firii Wali Wale Dayya Wal Ustaad’e Wal Jamee’il Mu’mineena Wal Mu’meenat Wal Muslimeena Wal Muslimat  BirahmatikaYa Ar’hamarr’ahimeen’ Other supplications and invocations can also be made.

It is permitted to keep “Shajarah'(the list of saintly line of one’s spiritual guide) and “Ehd Naamah” (an immensely beneficial Du’aa transmitted by Saieyyidinaa Abu Bakr Siddique,may Allah be pleased with him) in grave which may better be kept in a niche to the Qiblah side in front of the face of the dead person. Absolution of the deceased is expected.

Similarly, it is better to place flowers on grave as they will praise and glorify Allah Almighty. it is impermissible to remove grass etc/ from the grave.

The Azaan is, indeed, a highly beneficial gift to the dead from the living ones.

eating, drinking, sleep, laughing, worldly talks etc etc are also forbidden (with in the graveyard/boundary)

To sleep, walk, urinate and defecate on any grave is “Haraam” (unlawful).

Condolence be done thus/ “May Allah Almighty forgive the departed soul and keep him/her in eternal peace and grant you patience and reward on this misfortune.

It is desirable to prepare food for the family of the deceased.

It is “Haraam” (unlawful) to cry and weep loudly speaking of the dead.

You cannot burn candles/incense sticks on the graves. Don’t sit or step on the graves. Remove slippers when offering dua /essale sawaab.Don’t indulge in false/unnessary talks. No circling of the grave .don’t do Sajdah before the grave its haraam .

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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