Janaza-Talqeen Help

Janaza, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Kafaan/ shroud

It is permitted to keep “Shajarah'(the list of saintly line of one’s spiritual guide) and “Ehd Naamah” (an immensely beneficial Du’aa transmitted by Saieyyidinaa Abu Bakr Siddique,may Allah be pleased with him) in grave which may better be kept in a niche to the Qiblah side in front of the face of the dead person. Absolution of the deceased is expected.

There is no harm in placing a large inter-woven garland or wreath on bier. Similarly, it is better to place flowers on grave as they will praise and glorify Allah Almighty so long as they remain wet which will comfort the dead. Therefore, it is impermissible to remove grass etc/ from the grave because its remembrance of Allah causes descent of mercy which provides comfort and succour to the dead and its removal deprives him of Allah’s mercy.


Do talqeen by standing at the head of the grave .

say-“O So and so Son of So and so”.”Remember the creed (Kalima Tayyiba) upon which you departed from this world, testifying that there is no god but Allah (), and Muhammad () is His servant and messenger, and that you accepted Allah ()as your Lord, Islam as your religion, Muhammad () as your prophet, and the Quran as your exemplar.” Muajam al Kabir Tabrani 7/287

(If you don’t remember the mothers name of the dead) say “O so and so son of amma hawa “


when the dead is placed in grave he is questioned as to who is his “Rabb” (Creator,Sovereign Lord). At that moment Satan appears there to inveigle the dead into saying, pointing towards himself, that “I am your Rabb”. It has, therefore, been emphasised upon to pray for the steadfastness of the dead in answering questions of the Questioning Angels.

The Holy Prophet himself used to pray, while burying the dead, saying/ ‘O’Allah! save this (dead) from Satan”.

It is proved by authentic “Ahaadees” that when “Mu’azzin” calls Azaan, Satan takes to his heels. The ostensible good the Azaan does the dead is that it is, by the grace of Allah Almighty, saved from the deception of Satan, the outcast. The second benefit of the Azaan on grave is that it helps the dead remember the answers to the questions of Munkar and Nakeer. Besides, Azaan is the remembrance of Allah which automatically causes the descent of Allah’s mercy. The gates of the heavens are opened and torment is lifted (removed). The remembrance of Allah obviates horror and grants peace to the hearts. It is, therefore, potently hoped that the Azaan on grave rids the dead of torment and horror of the grave. The Azaan is, indeed, a highly beneficial gift to the dead from the living ones.

To sleep, walk, urinate and defecate on any grave is “Haraam” (unlawful). It is also forbidden to walk the new pathway made through the graveyard. If one wants to visit the gave of his relative he will have to walk over graves (to reach thereto) then he should not go there but should make Du’aa for the dead from distance. Plz remove the shoes and offer dua.

Likewise, all those things,acts which make one oblivious to the inevitability of death like eating, drinking, sleep, laughing, worldly talks etc/ are also forbidden.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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