Itehad-Indiviual Effort

Itehad, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


If you don’t work for wellwishing of humanity and deen ,wait for Allah’s azab/punishment to descend .

Advocating good and preventing evil means promoting wellwishing for all and preventing corruption in deen(aqidah) and duniya(ahklaq) with respect to aqidah/beliefs and ahklaq/character.

Judge a muslim with respect to aqidah(sunni –ahle sunnat wal jamaat) and ahklaq(sunnah of prophet ﷺ and awliya allah(ra) .

For understanding duniya =use brain AND For understanding deen=use heart

Hard hearted/spoken =people will leave you AND Soft hearted/spoken=people will come to you

Ahklaq e hasana =people must feel he is one of us and share their problems/trustworthy ,present easy deen ,easily available

No nafs when dealing with people and No MYSELF/I when seeking allah. Only for pleasure of allah (no nafs/deeds in your sight).

Jannat is just 2 steps away first step on nafs  second step in jannah (hazarat ali (as))


(Aqidah e ahle sunnat wal jamaat+ ahklaq e awliya/sufiya+duniya’s education)

1.commissions/awamir/things to do= easy to follow

2.prohibitions /nawahi /things not to do=difficult to follow

First follow things to do(easy) AND later follow things not do (difficult)

Individual effort –limited /gets discontinued /cannot guarantee goodness/allah’s mercy if its continous/disorganized(work load is more)/ Results come gradually not instantly .

Collective effort-unlimited /gets continued/brings goodness/allah’s mercy/organized(work gets distributed)/Results come gradually not instantly .


1.Teaching/preaching kull deen (islam/iman/ihsan-starting Islamic centres/mosque/halqa e zikr/programmes/books/usage of technology)

2.Ordaining the righteousness and forbidding evil (joining ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunnis organizations)

3.Striving against the ills of the society (establishing centers /helplines)

4.Supporting ahle haq/people of truth(ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunnis with wealth/time/lives)

(Aqidah e ahle sunnat wal jamaat+ ahklaq e awliya/sufiya+duniya’s education)


It’s a baatin kaifiyat(STATE OF HEART).

Character/ahklaq is from soul and action is a movement.


Ilm with adab (obedience )=knowing

Ibadat with mohabbat(no complaints)=performing duty

Iman with amal(with haal/state of heart)=accepting

Amal with taqwa (avoiding sins)=performing deeds

Taqwa with mujahida(struggle)=ahklaq

TIME MANAGEMENT (sunnah/to please allah alone)

1. 1/3rd  for Allah (ibadat+adab/rights  )

2. 1/3rd for household (needs+rights)

3. 1/3rd for personal (rest+kidmat e deen+ilm)


(Aqidah e ahle sunnat wal jamaat+ ahklaq e awliya/sufiya+duniya’s education)

Individual effort doesnot guarantee saving aqidah/ahklaq of your next generation

No individual effort ,it’s a collective effort.

Common man must concentrate on aqidah and ahklaq (leave differences to ulema)

Helping common man to follow aqidah e ahle sunnat wal jamaat+ ahklaq e awliya/sufiya+duniya’s education

Don’t be extreme and don’t be negligent =be moderate

Think about ummah of rasoolallah ﷺ not about firqa/denomination(don’t compromise on aqidah/beliefs)

Stop infighting amongst ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunni’s.

Individual efforts cannot guarantee goodness for all.

Allah’s help/mercy is with those who have put continous efforts with life/time/wealth/knowledge etc etc

Results come gradually not instantly .

Join any ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunni organization to protect yourself and your next generation .

Promote ahle sunnat wal jamaat(sunni) and ahklaq e hasana.

Fight corruption in deen(aqidah) and duniya(ahklaq)

Knowledge =understand /practice/forward

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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