Islam q & h 80

Islam Q & H, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

But whoever opposes the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) …..follows the path other than that of the believers, We shall keep him in the same (state of disorientation) he has (himself) turned to, and shall (eventually) cast him into Hell ….4/115

…..‘O our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who have preceded in embracing faith. And let not any spite and rancour be in our hearts against the believers……59/10

…Therefore, fear Allah so that you may become grateful. …3/123

These are the people who, remembering Allah, remain standing (as the epitome of submissiveness), sitting (as reverence incarnate), and (also keep) changing sides (in discomfort of love) and meditate on (the manifest lustre of His Eminence and Beauty at work in) the creation of the heavens and the earth. 3/191

(Then, acquainted with the pleasure of His gnosis, they call out spontaneously:) ‘O our Lord, You have not created (all) this without any rationale and strategy…..protect us from the torment of Hell. ….3/191

….we heard a Caller, calling towards faith: ‘(O people,) believe in your Lord.’ So we embraced faith. ….forgive our sins and erase our blunders (from the record of our works) and make us die in the company of the pious. ….Grant us all that You have promised us through Your Messengers, … 3/191

…. I do not waste the wages of any labourer, whether man or woman; …. I shall verily erase their sins from their record of works, and admit them to the Gardens ….3/191-195

Those who submitted to the command of Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) even after sustaining injuries—for those of them who possess spiritual excellence and are God-fearing, there is an immense reward.3/172

O believers! Avoid most conjectures. Indeed, some conjectures are sins (liable to punishment in the Hereafter). And spy not (on someone’s unknown matters or secrets), nor backbite one another. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother?….49/12

O believers! Always seek help (from Me) through patience and Prayer. 2/153

O believers! Do not consider (hostile) disbelievers as (your) reliable supporters instead of believers. …4/144

Those who believe and do pious works, Allah has promised them forgiveness and an immense reward.48/29

Do people think that they will be released (just) on saying: ‘We have believed,’ and they will not be tried? 29/2

you will be divided into three classes.

1. Those on the Right Hand(what a class the Right Hand will be)

a.Rewarded with virgin maidens (special creation reflecting beauty and refinement), b. The ardently loving (wives) of the same age. c.  A large group of them will be from the earlier people. d. from later generations will (also) be a large group (amongst them).

one who will be given his record in the right hand will say (pleased): ‘Come and read my record. I firmly believed that I would find my account (easy).’69/19

easy reckoning, And will return to his family rejoicing. 84/12

(Privileged and pardoned )Right hand people=advice one another patience+tolerance+ mutual affection and mercy 90/18

whose scales of deeds in the balance will be heavy, He will be in luxury and delight.101/6

2 .Those on the Left Hand (in what miserable plight will be) They will be amid fierce, hot wind of Hell and simmering water

Left hand people will say –Alas! Would that (death) had settled my affair once and for all! Today my wealth has not been able to keep (the torment) away from me even a little. My power and domain have (also) gone from me.’69/25

who will be given his record behind his back, He will soon cry out for death. And he will enter the Blazing Fire of Hell. 84/12

whose scales of deeds in the balance will be light, His abode will be Hawiya (a pit in Hell)!101/9

3 .The Excellent (the Foremost)

a.drawn near (to Allah) b. from the earlier people c. small number (amongst them) will be from the later generations. d. Paradise packed with bounties, pleasure and delight and spiritual sustenance and comforts 56/14-42

We are nearer to him (the dying one) than you but you do not see (Us).56/85

spend (in His cause) out of that (wealth) in which He has made you His vicegerents (and trustees).57/7

God fearing muslims

1.will always say “Allah has sent down all good for here and hereafter”

2.die in a state of pure ,clean ,pleased and contented/raza

3. they are obedient and piety(avoiding sins)

4. full of pious deeds 16/32

Signs of death of the heart sadness on missing ibadat nadamat/remoarse on sinning

3. associating with people of duniya.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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