Islam q & h 28

Islam Q & H, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

And there is no blame on the Prophet in (accomplishing) that duty which Allah has made obligatory for him. And certainly the same has been the way and practice of Allah with those (as well) who have passed away before. And the command of Allah is a decree which has been fulfilled.33/38

On that Day, no intercession shall be fruitful except his (intercession) whom the Most Kind (Lord) has granted leave (and permission) and with whose word He is pleased (such as Prophets and Messengers, Allah’s chosen and pious servants, Godwary slaves, innocent children, and many other devoted servants of Allah whose intercession is validated).20/109

And they say: ‘The Most Kind (Lord) has taken (angels as His) children.’ Holy is He. Nay, (the angels whom they consider His children) are but (Allah’s) esteemed servants. They do not precede Him in (uttering) any word, and they remain engaged in carrying out only His command.21/26-27

(In the end) they were drowned due to their sins and then flung into Fire. So they could not find any helper for themselves against Allah.71/25

And those (angels) who (remain) in His presence are not arrogant towards His worship, nor do they become weary (of carrying out His obedience). They glorify (Him) night and day ceaselessly, and do not observe even a momentary pause.21/19-20

And whoever is in the heavens and in the earth (serves and) belongs to Him alone. 21/19

And We did not send any Messenger before you, but We frequented the same revelation to him: ‘There is no God but I, so worship Me (alone).’ 21/25

And they say: ‘The Most Kind (Lord) has taken (angels as His) children.’ Holy is He. Nay, (the angels whom they consider His children) are but (Allah’s) esteemed servants.21/25-26

And no intercession with His presence will be of any benefit except from someone He has granted permission, until when fright is removed from their hearts and they will say, (inquiring): ‘What has your Lord said?’ They will say (in reply): ‘He has said the truth,’ (i.e., has granted the permission)…34/22-23

Say: ‘Who provides you sustenance from the heavens and the earth?’ Say (yourself): ‘Allah (provides). And no doubt, either we or you are guided aright or lost in open error.’34/24

He (Allah) knows what is before them and what is behind them, and they do not intercede (before His presence) but for him with whom He is pleased. And they remain fearful of His Awe and Magnificence.21/28

And no intercession with His presence will be of any benefit except from someone He has granted permission, until when fright is removed from their hearts and they will say, (inquiring): ‘What has your Lord said?’ They will say (in reply): ‘He has said the truth,’ (i.e., has granted the permission). And He alone is Most High, Most Great.34/23

Have they any (such) partners that have established for them a path of din (religion) about which Allah has not given any command? And had the command of judgment not (gone forth) already, the matter between them would have been settled. And surely, there is a painful torment for the wrongdoers.42/21

So, (O My servant,) do not call upon any other god besides Allah lest you become of those who are punished.26/213

And do not be like those who said (by way of betraying): ‘We have heard,’ whereas they do not hear.8/21

Surely, the worst of the living creatures in the sight of Allah are the deaf and the dumb who (neither listen to nor speak the truth and) also do not understand (the truth).8/22

And there is not a thing (in the universe) but that We have its treasures with Us, and We send it down only according to a fixed quantity.15/21

…whatever they used to hide before (all that) has become visible to them. And (even) if they were sent back (to the world), they would (once again) do the same that they had been forbidden. And undoubtedly, they are (seasoned) liars.6/21

• Ibn Kathir writes that In the 18th year of the Hijra during the Khilafa of ‘Umar,may Allah be pleased with Him, there was a famine. ‘Umar and Bilal, May Allah be well pleased with them, went to the blessed grave of the Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), and said ‘Ya Rasul Allah! Your Umma is dying (from hunger), pray for us that Allah sends us rain’. Later, Bilal, may Allah be pleased with Him, had a dream in which the Prophet of Allah,  (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), told Bilal to go to ‘Umar, and convey his salaam, and to inform him that there will be rain and that he should perform Salaah Istisqa’. This is a very authentic narration. [Tarikh Ibn Kathir, chapter Khilafa of ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with Him]  

• Ibn Kathir and Ibn Hajar al Asqalani both write: Imam Bukhari had lost his sight in his days as a youth, and his mother used to pray to Allah vigorously for the return of her son’s sight. One night in her dream, she saw the Prophet Ibrahim, upon whom be peace, who told her that Allah had accepted her prayers because of her tears in them in front of Allah and her son’s sight would be return’. When Imam Bukhari awoke in the morning, his eyesight had returned. [Tahrikh Ibn Kathir, under biography of Imam Bukhari, and Muqadimah Fath al Bari, biography of Imam Bukhari]

Ilm e nafae +amal e saleh =haqiqate ibadat(devotional )

For example state of heart(baatin) and state of body(zaahir) remains same inside or outside salaah/namaz.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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