Islam q & h 25

Islam Q & H, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Say (to them): ‘Who provides you with sustenance from the heaven and the earth (i.e., from above and beneath)? Or Who is the master of your ears and eyes (i.e., hearing and sight)? And Who brings forth the living from the dead (i.e., animate from inanimate) and Who brings forth the dead from the living (i.e., inanimate from animate)? And Who manages (all the cosmic systems)?’ They will promptly say: ‘Allah.’ Then say: ‘So do you not fear (Him)?’10/31

The trusting ones put their trust in Him alone.’39/38

Devote yourselves wholly to Allah alone…22/31

Devote yourselves wholly to Allah alone, not associating (anything as) partner with Him. And whoever associates anything as partner with Allah, (his case is as if) he fell from the sky, then birds snatched him up, or the wind blew him away down into a distant place.22/31

And on the Day of Resurrection, We shall set up balances of fairness and justice. So no soul will be wronged in the least. And if there is (someone’s deed) equal to the weight of a mustard seed, We shall bring forth that (as well). And We are Sufficient to take account.21/47

And never have We destroyed any township, except that there was for them a known inscription (law, which they violated and met their fate).15/4

Have they not travelled in the land that (perhaps by seeing these ruins) their hearts should become (such) as to understand, or the ears (such) as to hear (the truth)? So the fact is that it is not the eyes (of such people) that are blind, but the hearts, which are in the breasts, turn blind.22/46

Indeed, those who reject Our Revelations as false and rebel against them, the gates of the heavens (of mercy and acceptance) shall not be opened to them, nor will they be able to enter Paradise until the camel passes through the eye of a needle (i.e., their entrance into Paradise will be impossible the same way). And it is like that We punish the evildoers.7/40

Verily, Allah is my Lord and your Lord too. So worship Him alone. This is the straight path.’3/51

The affluent one should spend (according to) his means. And whoever is provided sustenance scarcely, let him spend (on her maintenance) out of the provision which Allah has given him. ..65/7

Allah does not burden anyone beyond what He has given him. Allah will soon bring about ease after hardship.65/7

… And they will say: ‘O our Lord, surely we followed what our chiefs and the influential ones directed, so they turned us away from the (straight) path. O our Lord! Afflict them with double torment and lay on them a mighty curse.’33/66-68

He will set (all) your deeds right for you and will forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His Holy Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) will surely achieve a great success.33/71

Say: ‘Should we worship besides Allah something that can neither bring us any profit nor do us any harm, and turn on our heels after Allah has blessed us with guidance, like the one whom the satans have persuaded away from the right path into bewilderment in the land, whose companions are calling on him to the straight path: Come to us (but he can perceive nothing)?’ 6/71

…Proclaim: ‘The guidance of Allah is the only (true) guidance, and (that is why) we have been commanded to submit totally to the Lord of all the worlds.’ And this (has also been commanded:) ‘Establish Prayer and always fear Him, and Allah is He to Whom you (all) will be gathered.’6/71-72

But he alone (will be the gainer) who appears before the presence of Allah with a heart protected (from) and pure (of all evils).’ 26/89

And (on that Day) Paradise will be brought closer to the Godfearing (and self-protecting).26/89-90

And keep praying (to your Lord): ‘O my Lord, make me enter (wherever You are to make me enter) with the truth (pleasure), and bring me out (from wherever You are to bring me out) with the truth (pleasure). And bestow upon me from Your presence the dominance that assists and the power that supports.’17/81

Mu’adh Bin Jabal (r.a.)  narrated that some of his companions said, “When Allah’s Messenger (s.a.w.s.) intended to send him (Mu’adh Bin Jabal) to Yemen, he asked: “How will you judge when the occasion of deciding a case arises?”  He replied, I shall judge in accordance with Allah’s Book.   He was asked: “(What will you do) if you do not find any guidance in Allah’s Book?”  He replied, “(I shall act) in accordance with the Sunnah of Allah’s Messenger (s.a.w.s.).”   He (s.a.w.s.) asked, “(What will you do) if you do not find any guidance in the Sunnah of Allah’s Messenger (s.a.w.s.) and in Allah’s Book?”  He replied, “I shall do my best to form an opinion and I shall spare no effort.”  Allah’s Messenger (s.a.w.s.) then patted him on the breast and said: “Praise be to Allah Who has helped Allah’s Messenger to find something which pleases Allah’s Messenger.”   (Abu Dawud 3585)

On this day seven groups of people will be protected by Allah, these are mentioned in Hadith: “Seven types of people will be under the shelter of mercy on the Day when there will be no shade other than that of Allah’s mercy: 1) a just imam, 2) a young person who kept busy in Allah’s worship, 3) a person whose heart is attached to the masjid, 4) two people who loved each other for Allah’s sake, gathered for His sake and parted, remembering Him, 5) a man who was invited by a beautiful and charming woman but declined her offer, saying “I fear Allah”; 6) a person who gave charity so secretly that their left hand did not know what was given by the right hand , and 7) a person who remembered Allah privately, so that their eyes brimmed with tears.”[Bukhari, Muslim]

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When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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