
Inqilab, Shariath

The indigent one relying on Allah the Exalted-Praise be to Allah for His gracious favor, blessings and peace be upon the Prince of His Prophets and upon his family and his friends. May Allah the Almighty keep us all on the True Path of the Ahl as-Sunnah wal Jama’ah, and may He flourish the name of Islam due to our behaviour, actions, and deeds. WE ASK ALLAHU TA’ALA TO GIVE US ALL A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF HIS DEEN. AMEEN

How much you know that much you believe.

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Revolution /inqilab (awareness)

1. Promoting Aqidah e ahle sunnat wal jamaat + ahklaq e awliya/sufiya.

2. Socio-Political-Economic-Educational change in the society.

Revolution must have dawat(inviting towards haqq/truth(ahle sunnat wal jamaat)+jihad/struggle (social/political/economic /educational ills)

Dawat –jihad/struggle =misguidance AND Jihad/struggle –dawat=destruction

Islam-revolution=present deen AND Islam+revolution=actual deen

Follow kull deen(tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan) not juzz/partial deen (means just one aspect of the deen).

Convey the message of islam (complete/kull deen not portion/juzz )and establishing islam all over the earth.

“facing the Qiblah” = stands for a person who believes in all the essentials of the Islamic faith. 

Man of bid’ah= one whose beliefs are different from the Ahl as-Sunnah faith. Ahle sunnat wal jamaat are upon the methodlogy of the salaf of the ummah.Call the common people and teach them to discover and realize the truth .

Firqa/denomination/offshoot from main branch= ideology of people who believe they are only on haqq/truth based on following of juzz/portion of deen.

Sirate mustaqeem

1.following nabien,siddiqeen,shuhada and saleheen

2.avoiding misguided/cursed people(away from Allah’s mercy) .

Islah e ummat

Islah e ummat= amal/deeds(fiqh)+haal/state of heart(tasawuff).

Islah e ummat =ilm e zaahir(fiqh) +ilm e baatin(tasawuf)


1.Amal e saleha(wealth/time/life/ibadat) done for Allah’s sake will accompany you in the qabr.

2.mujahida e nafs(avoiding sins for the pleasure of Allah (taqwa) and free from diseases of heart)


1.should have haqiqi iman (prefect/kamil)-practsing kull deen islam-iman-ihsan

2.hijrat illah /migration –from ghaflat to zikr ,bad ahklaq to good ahklaq ,kidmate deen

3.jihad fisabillah- against nafs ,shaitan,kuffar and innovations by spending wealth,lives and time.


Individual effort –limited /gets discontinued /cannot guarantee goodness/allah’s mercy if its continous/disorganized(work load is more)/ Results come gradually not instantly .

Collective effort-unlimited /gets continued/brings goodness/allah’s mercy/organized(work gets distributed)/Results come gradually not instantly .


1.Teaching/preaching kull deen (islam/iman/ihsan-starting Islamic centres/mosque/halqa e zikr/programmes/books/usage of technology)

2.Ordaining the righteousness and forbidding evil (joining ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunnis organizations)

3.Striving against the ills of the society (establishing centers /helplines)

4.Supporting ahle haq/people of truth(ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunnis with wealth/time/lives)

(Aqidah e ahle sunnat wal jamaat+ ahklaq e awliya/sufiya+duniya’s education)


1.join any sunni/ahle sunnat wal jamaat organizations

2.become a mureed of sufi shaik from ahlus sunnah who follows and advocates to both sharia and tariqa (BAITH)

3.conduct mehfil e zikr (astqfar ,darood o salaam etc etc) atleast once in a week. regular to a sunni mosque and keep in touch with a sunni imam. guard your aqidah(be with sunni imam) and ahklaq(be with pious and stay away from bad people)

6.strictly don’t associate with new new jamaats (they present juzz/portion of deen like only tabligh,jihad,ahlebaith,tauheed etc etc not kull deen )

Be a part of collective efforts of ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunnis.

BE WITH AHLE  SUNNAT  WAL  JAMAAT (SUNNI’S)(complete-balanced-moderate deen)

Not restricted to 1 madrasa or 1 alim or 1 fiqh or 1 madhab or 1 organisation or 1 place or 1 book of ideology .Its a jammah /congregation of largest muslims of the world

Compare complete-balanced-moderate deen(ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunni’s)  V/S  social- political -religious -economic  -military -reformist movements in islam .

Islamic movements/Jamaats  follow ideology of 1 madrasa or 1 alim or 1 organisation or 1 book of their ideology or their methodology etc etc etc

Know about the person /movement/jamaat before accepting  religious advice from him.

Know about islamic movements/jamaats -their leaders –their books –their way of functioning-their ideology-their features-their fatwas-their COMMON propogation etc etc

Associate with sunni organizations and work for ahle sunnat wal jamaat.

Be with ahle sunnat wal jamaat(hanfi/shafi/maliki/hambali—Tawassuf-silsilas/tariqas/khanqas) Those who call out ya rasoolallah and ya ali (as) .

Abdiat /slavery

1.husn e adab/obedience

2.nafi e zaat/negation of self (Iam nothing, everthing is his)

3.seeking raza/pleasure of Allah.

Safeguarding the kull deen

1.Ibadate elahi /worshipping Allah ﷻ (with love and marifat/knowing)

2.Ghulamane mustafa(ﷺ) /Be a servant of rasoolallah ﷺ to please allah(ﷻ)

3.Mohabbate ahle baith(as) /loving ahle baith(as)

4.Azmate sahaba (ra)/ Esteem status of sahaba(ra)

5.Sohbate auliya(ra).


1.iqlas e niyyat (sincerity and purity –seeking only allah and his pleasure)

2.ilm e nafae (profitable knowledge- quran and sunnah )

3.amal e saleh (good deeds/taqwa (avoiding sins))

4.ahklaq e hasana (building good character- free from diseases of heart)

5.salamate sudur (protecting living heart -by sohbate awliya)




3.Quran /sunnah and its derivatives

4. Ijma/consensus


BALANCED DEEN(6/153, 29/69,91/9,3/31,2/45,2/143)

Our deen lies between law(sharia) and spirit(marifa),

Our deen lies between intellect and love,

Our deen lies between theology and spirituality,

Our deen lies between negligence and extremisim,

Our deen lies between Hope and fear,

Our deen lies between moderation and justice.

Khilafat=prayers/zikr +jihad/struggle against ills

The political inheritance/ Caliphate of governance/ khilāfah rāshidah (the rightly-guided caliphate) –(hazrath abu bakr(ra) ,hazrath umar(ra) ,hazrath usman (ra) and hazrath ali (ra)).

Spiritual khilāfah/ spiritual inheritance(known as wilāyah (spiritual sovereignty) and imāmah (spiritual leadership)—Ahle Baith.

General inheritance/ Caliphate of guidance –-given to other Companions and the Successors(ra).

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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