Haazir o Naazir-Suyuti Shifa

Haazir O Naazir, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

The Concept of Haazir-o-Naazir

Hazrat Qazi Abu Iyaaz (ra) writes in his “Shifa” that Hazrat Amr bin Dinar (ra), a Taba’in and Faqih of Makkatul Mukarramah, said: “If you enter a house and find that there is nobody there, say ‘May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon the Holy Prophet ﷺ'”.

mulla ali qari (ra) writes states ‘this is because the soul (rooh) of the holy prophet ﷺ is haazir in the homes of muslims-sharah shifaa.

Shifa shariff states—- to accept anyone exceeding the holy prophet ﷺ in any excellence is infidelity (kufr) like the holy prophet ﷺ said the small amount of barley given out by my sahaba in charity is more excellent than you giving an entire mountain of gold-mishkaat baabu fadhaailis –sahaaba.

mulla ali qari (ra) writes ‘the friends of allah ﷻ can be in several different places at one moment and can even have a few likeness of body simultaneously’-mirqaat baabu maa yuqaala inda man hadrahul –maut.

Allama jalaaluddin suyuti (ra) writes’it is proven from the hadith and traditions that the holy prophet ﷺkeeps an eye on his ummahs actions throughout the earth,makes istigfar for their sins and dua for their afflictions to be removed.he garnts them brakat and attends the janaazah of a virtuous person who dies from his ummah-intibaaahul azkiya fi hayaatil auliya pg7.

Imam jalaaluddin suyuti (ra) writes ‘if people hold the belief that the soul of the holy prophet ﷺ or his likeness attends gatherings wherein the quran is recited ,ramadaan is concluded or meelad sharif is read it is permissible –sharah sudoor.

Imam Jalaaluddeen as-Suyuti (ra) says, “To keep watch of his own followers’ work and to pray for their forgiveness; to pray for their abstention from bad deeds; to come and go in all parts of the world to give auspiciousness; if one pious person dies from his followers then to come and attend his Janazah (funeral), all this is done by the Holy Prophet ﷺ”. (Intibahul Azkiyya)

“If any of you enters the Mosque, send Salaams to me, followed by this Du’a: ‘O Allah! Open your Door of Blessing for me'”. (Abu Dawud)

Imam Qadi ayaadh (ra) states “it  is narrated that hadrat alqamah (ra) states ‘when I enter the musjid I say ‘salaam be upon you,o the holy prophet ﷺ and the mercy and blessings of allah ﷻ ”-shifaa shariff.this is supported by the hadith mentioned in abu dawood and ibn majah under baabud dua inda dukholil musjid

Sayyiduna rasoolullah ﷺ is present in every Mosque of this world and according to Islam, the entire earth is a Mosque for the Muslims, as reported by Haz(ra)t Jabir bin Abdullah (ra) that Sayyiduna (ra)soolullah ﷺ said: “The entire earth has been made a Mosque for me”. (Bukhari) Thus, the Prophet ﷺ is present everywhere on earth!

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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