Dars e Imam-Zikr

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Hafidh Ibn Taymiyyah writes:The authentic AAhadith provide evidence that the deceased person will gain rewards from all the good deeds carried out on his behalf by others. Some people raise the objection that a person can only gain reward from their own deeds, and refer to the Qur’an for evidence. This is not correct.

1- A Muslim recieves the reward of those deeds that he has never done himself. For example: As Allah says in the Qur’an the Angels of the Throne of Allah, glorify Allah Ta’ala and ask for forgiveness on behalf of all Muslims. It is also evident from the Qur’an: Allah Ta’ala ordered the Prophet Muhammadﷺ  to pray for his ummah, since his du’a is the peace of mind for the ummah. In the same way the du’a is offered in the funeral prayer, when visiting the grave; and offering du’a for the deceased.

2- We know that Allah Ta’ala rewards us through the deeds that other people carry out on our behalf. An example is where the Prophet Muhammadﷺ  said “Whenever a Muslim prays for other Muslims, Allah Ta’ala appoints an Angel to say Amin.”Sometimes Allah Ta’ala blesses the participants of the funeral prayer in response to the prayer from the deceased and vice versa.(Majmu’a al-Fatawa, vol. 7 & vol. 24, Hafidh IbnTaymiyyah) (Majmu’a al-Fatawa, vol. 7 & vol. 24, Hafidh IbnTaymiyyah)

Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim write that Ibn Abbas said that it was the tradition of the Prophet’s  for people to recite dhikr loudly after Fard Salat.(Bukhari and Muslim Kitab as-Salat)

Hafidh Al-Asqalani writes in the commentary of this Hadeeth that this proves that it is permissible to do dhikr loudly after Fard Salat. (Fathul Bar Bab us Salat) Imam Nawawi writes: ‘Allamah Ibn Hazam has said that to recite dhikr loudly after Fard Salat is mustahab.(Sharah Saheeh Muslim Bab us Salat by Imam Nawawi and Umda tul Qari Bab us Salat ‘Allamah Aeyne)

Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim write that there are special Angels who are always searching for dhikr gatherings. In any gathering where La ilaha ill-Allah, Subhan-Allah, Alhamdulillah and Allah-u-Akbar are being recited the Angels shade the gathering with their wings.(Bukhari Bab Dawaat and Muslim Bab Dhikr)

This Hadeeth proves that to do dhikr is permissible and wherever these meetings are held Angels shade the meetings with their wings. There is no doubt that reciting the Qur`an, circles of Hadeeth study, and Salat are all dhikr. In the above Hadeeth the mentioned dhikr is of La ilha IlAllah, Subhan Allah, Alhamdulillah and Allah-u-Akbar.

Imam Bukhari writes that Allah Ta`ala says:“When my servant does dhikr in his heart, I do his dhikr in My heart. When he does My dhikr in a meeting, I do his dhikr in a better meeting.”(Bukhari Bab at Tawheed)Hafidh Al-Asqalani writes that the better meeting mentioned in this Hadeeth means Angels, prophets, martyrs and pious spirits.(Fath al-Bari Bab Ut Tawheed y Hafidh Al-Asqalani)

Hafidh Jalal ad-Din As-Suyuti says that this narration is against the Authentic Hadeeth that proves doing dhikr loudly is permissible. If, one compares the action of a companion against an authentic narration from the Prophet  the action of the companion will be rejected in favour of the Authentic Hadeeth. I (Hafidh as-Suyuti) have found a narration in the kitab uz Zuhad written by Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal, that Abu wa`il said that Abdullah ibn Masood stops people from doing dhikr loudly yet in each of his meetings I have been to they themselves have done dhikr (loudly). This narration shows that ‘Umar ibn Yahya’s narration is false.(Al hawi lil fatawah vol 1 pg 394 by Hafidh Jalal ad-Din As-Suyuti)

Allah Ta`ala says in the Qur`an: ‘Remind them of the days of Allah’ (Surah Ibrahim ayah no.6)In the Tafsir of this Ayah Imam At-Tabari, Ibn Kathir, Imam Al-Qurtabi and Qadi Ash-Shawkani, write that in this Ayah the meaning of ‘the days of Allah’ is: “The different days on which Allah rewarded various people, for example, as he rewarded bani Isra’il by freeing them from the Pharaoh’s slavery.”Giving da’wah at these times softens their hearts towards Allah Ta’ala.(Tafsir At-Tabari by Imam At-Tabari, Ibn Kathir by Ibn Kathir Tafsir al-Qurtabi by Imam Qurtabi and Fath al-Qadir by Qadi Ash-Shawkani under 14/6)This shows that to give da’wah on days that resemble the days of Allah is permissible, so a da’i should use such days for da’wah, to educate people regarding the Sunnah and how to live their lives according to the Sunnah.The days mentioned above like Milad an-Nabi and military expeditions like the days of Badr, Uhd, victory of Makkah, Tabuk and Hunayn are the days when Allah blessed the Muslims, giving them victory over the Kuffar in their military expeditions. The greatest blessing on mankind was the birth of our beloved Prophet Muhammadﷺ . This is the reason for the importance of the days of Allah. Giving da’wah on these days is obeying the orders of Allah so cannot be called bid’ah (innovation).

Tawakkal/trust =iman (pleased with Allah’s wish)

Shukr=thank him

Sabr=don’t complain

Poverty/faqr=be content/razi

Intention =no intention of slave except seeking his pleasure/raza.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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