Dars e Imam-Wasila Prophet

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Direct and explicit order of Prophet
The Hadith states: It was narrated from ‘Uthman bin Hunaif that a blind man came to the Prophet and said: “Pray to Allah to heal me.” He said: “If you wish to store your reward for the Hereafter, that is better, or if you wish, I will supplicate for you.” He said: “Supplicate.” So he told him to perform ablution and do it well, to pray two Rak’ah, and to say this supplication: “Allahumma lnni as’aluka wa atawajjahu ilaika bimuhammadin nabiyyir-rahma. Ya Muhammadu inni qad tawajjahtu bika ila rabbi fi hajati hadhihi lituqda. Allahumma fashaffi’hu fiya (O Allah, I ask of You and I turn my face towardsYou by virtue of the intercession of Muhammad the Prophet of mercy. O Muhammad, I have turned to my Lord by virtue of your intercession concerning this need of mine so that it may be met. O Allah, accept his intercession concerning me)”.
►Ibn Majah transmitted it in his Sunan, book of Iqamat al-salat wa al-sunnat (establishing prayer and its sunnahs)[Page 197, Hadith No#1385)

In Sunnan Ibn Majah then it says: Imam Abu Ishaaq (rah) said: This hadith is “SAHIH” [ibid]
►Tirmidhī in al-Jami-us-sahīh, book of da‘awat (supplications) ch.119 (5:569#3578) where he declared it”HASAN SAHIH GHARIB”
►Nasa’i, ‘Amal-ul-yawm wal-laylah (p.417#658-659)
►Ahmad bin Hambal in his Musnad (4:138 #17246-17247)
►Hākim, al-Mustadrak (1:313,519) where he declared it “SAHIH”
►Nawawī, al-Adhkār (p.83)
►Ibn Kathīr, al-Bidāyah wan-nihāyah (4:558)
►Ibn Hajar Haythamī, al-Jawhar-ul-munazzam (p.61)
►Ibn Mājah, Hākim and Dhahabī have declared it a sound (sahīh) tradition while Tirmidhī graded it hasan (fair) sahīh, gharīb (unfamiliar or rare)

Similarly, another tradition narrated by Imam Hākim is present in different words. In this tradition, ‘Uthmān bin Hunayf says that he was present in the Prophet’s company. A blind person called on the Prophet and complained about the loss of his eyesight. He added: ‘O Messenger of Allah, there is no one to guide me and I am in great trouble.’ On hearing his complaint, the Prophet said:Bring an earthen pot for ablution, then perform the ablution and offer two cycles of optional prayer. Then say: “O Allah, I appeal to You, and submit to You through the mediation of Your merciful Prophet Muhammad . O Muhammad, through your mediation I submit myself to your Lord that He should give light to my eyes. O Allah, acknowledge his intercession in my favour and accept my supplication also in my favour.” ‘Uthmān bin Hunayf says: I swear by Allah that we had neither left the company nor had we carried on a long conversation that the man entered (with his sight fully restored) and it seemed as if he had never been blind.
►Nasā’ī, ‘Amal-ul-yawm wal-laylah (p.418#660)
►Ahmad bin Hambal, Musnad (4:138)
►Ibn Kathīr, al-Bidāyah wan-nihāyah (4:559)
►Suyūtī, al-Khasā’is-ul-kubrā (2:201)
►Qastallānī, al-Mawāhib-ul-laduniyyah (4:594)
►Bayhaqī, Dalā’il-un-nubuwwah (6:166-7)

Qadhi Shawkani, while authenticating Tawassul said: Qadhi Shawkani explains the saying of Imam Ibn al-Jarzi i.e. One should ask Allah through the intermediary of Anbiya and Pious servants of Allah: I (Qadhi Shawkani) say that to seek Intercession with Allah through Prophets and Righteous (is proven) as is narrated by Tirmidhi who called it Hassan Sahih Gharib, also narrated by Nasai’i, Ibn Majah, Ibn Khuzayma in his “Sahih” Hakim who said: It is Sahih on the criteria of Bukhari and Muslim, the Hadith of Uthman bin HUNAIF (ra) that a blind man came to the Prophet and said: “I’ve been afflicted in my eyesight, so pray to Allah for me”. The Prophet said: “Go perform ablution (Wudu), perform two rak’at Salat and then say: “O Allah!I ask you and turn to you through my Prophet Muhammad. This hadith is mentioned in the book (with chapter) of Salaat al Hajah. And regarding Tawassul through righteous people, It is proven from Sahih (Bukhari) that Sahaba used to seek rain through Abbas (ra)the uncle of Prophet (Peace be upon him). Umar (ra) said: O Allah we turn to you through the means of Prophet’s uncle [Tuhfa tul Dhakireen, Page No. 48]

He also said: And in this hadith is the Proof on permissibility of seeking intercession to Allah through Prophet
but with the belief that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’la is the one who grants or takes , whatever he wills happens and whatever he does not will cannot happen. [Tuhfa tul Dhakireen, Page No. 138]
Some people object to the above hadith and say that it only proves Tawassul through Prophet
during his life, although their self cooked up taweel is false which goes against the teaching of Prophet but still we would like to present another “SAHIH” hadith to establish that Sahaba took the waseela of Prophet even after his passing away

Imam Tabrani has narrated an incident that a person repeatedly visited Uthman bin Affan (ra) concerning something he needed but Uthman paid no attention to him. The man went to Uthman bin Hunaif (ra) and complained to him about the matter- [Note: this was after the death of the Prophet and after the caliphates of Abu Bakr and Umar ] so Uthman bin Hunaif said : “Go to the place of Wudu, then come to the Masjid, perform two Rak’ats and then say : “O Allah!, I ask you and turn to you through our Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet of Mercy. O Muhammad! I turn through you to my lord, that He fulfil my need” and mention your need. Then come so that I can go with you [to the caliph Uthman] So the man left and did as he had been told, then went to the door of Uthman ibn Affan (Allah be pleased with him), and the doorman came, took him by the hand, brought him to Uthman ibn Affan, and seated him next to him on a cushion. ‘Uthman asked, “What do you need?” and the man mentioned what he wanted, and Uthman accomplished it for him …(till the end of hadith)
References: Imam al-Mundhiri (rah) said: Imam Tabarani after narrating it said “THIS HADITH IS SAHIH”[At-Targheeb wa Tarheeb, Page No. 129 in the chapter of Salaat al Hajah] Note: Imam al-Haythami (rah) also accepted the authentication of Imam Tabrani in his Majma az Zawaid Volume No. 2, Hadith # 3668, even Ibn Taymiyyah declared it “SAHIH” in his Qa’ida al Jaleela fit Tawassul wal Waseela (Page No. 156)
Sirate mustaqeem=prophet Muhammadﷺ

Allah’s zikr= prophet Muhammadﷺ

Allah’s rope= prophet Muhammadﷺ

Allah’s marifat= prophet Muhammadﷺ

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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