Dars e Imam-Wasila 4 Imams
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Imam Ahmad(RehmatuAllah
Alihe) and Tawassul
Al-Mardawi said: “The
correct position of the [Hanbali] madhhab is that it is permissible in one’s
dua to use as one’s means of a pious person (saalih), and it is said that it is
desirable (mustahabb). Imam Ahmad said to Abu Bakr al-Marwazi: ‘Let him use the Prophet as a means in his
supplication to Allah (SUBHANU WA TAALA).’” (Al-Insaf 2:456) This is
also cited by Ibn Taymiyyah in Majmu’ Al-Fatawa (1:140).
Imam Dhahabi (RehmatuAllah Alihe) narrates: Once there was a drought in
Samarqand, People tried their best, some said Salat al Istisqa but still it did
not rain, A renowned righteous man known as Salih came to the Qadhi and said:
In my opinion you along with your public should visit the grave of Imam Bukhari (Rahimuhullah), His grave is
located in Khartank, We should (go near the Qabr) and ask for rain, Allah might
give us rain then, The Qadhi said Yes to his opinion and then he along
with the people went towards (the Qabr) and then He made a dua along with the people and people started to cry near the grave
and started to make him a Waseela (i.e. Imam Bukhari). Allah Ta’ala
(immediately) sent rainclouds. All
people stayed in Khartank for about 7 days, none of them wanted to go back to
Samarqand although the distance between Samarqand and Khartank was only 3 miles
[As Siyar al Alam An Nabula Volume 12, Page No 469]
Imam Shafi (rahmatuAllah alihe) on
intercession of Prophet ((saws)) after his life-“The family of the
Prophet, they are my means/intermediaries (wasîlatî) in this life and the
afterlife,through them, I hope to be given my records in my right hand on the
Day of Judgement.” ►Imâm Shâfi`î, Dîwân (Lebanon, Beirut:
Dârul-Fikr, 2005), 162, #34
Imam Ibn Jawzi (rah) says in his
magnificent Seerah work called “Al Wafa bi Ahwaal lil Mustafa”
Abu Bakr al-Minqari said: I was with (al-hafiz) al-Tabarani and Abu
al-Shaykh in the Prophet’s Mosque, in some difficulty. We became very hungry.
That day and the next we didn’t eat. When it was time for `isha,I CAME TO THE
Messenger of Allah, we are hungry, we are hungry” (ya rasullAllah
al-ju` al-ju`)! Then I left. Abu al-Shaykh said to me: Sit. Either there will
be food for us, or death. I slept and Abu al-Shaykh slept. al-Tabarani stayed
awake, researching something. Then an `Alawi (a descendant of `Ali) came
knocking at the door with two boys, each one carrying a palm-leaf basket filled
with food. We sat up and ate. We thought that the children would take back the
remainder but they left everything behind. When we finished, the `Alawi said: O people, did you complain
to the Prophet? I saw him in my sleep and he ordered me to bring something to
you. [Al-Hafiz Ibn Jawzi, Kitab al Wafa, Page 818]
Ibn Taymiyyah’s endorsement-Ibn
Taymiyyah has related a story in the perspective of this tradition that Ibn Abū
Dunyā has narrated a tradition in his book Mujābī ad-du‘ā’ that a person came
over to see ‘Abd-ul-Malik bin Sa‘īd bin Abjar. ‘Abd-ul-Malik pressed his belly
and told him that he was suffering from an incurable discase. The man asked
him: what is it? ‘Abd-ul-Malik replied that it was a kind of ulcer that grows
inside the belly and ultimately kills the man. It is said that the patient
turned round and then he said:
Allah! Allah! Allah is my Lord. I
regard no one as His rival or partner. O Allah! I beseech You and submit myself
to You through the mediation of Your Prophet Muhammad ﷺ the
merciful Prophet. O Muhammad! Through your means I submit myself to your and my
Lord that He should take mercy on me in my state of illness.
It is said that ‘Abd-ul-Malik pressed his belly again and said: you are cured, you are no longer suffering
from any disease. Ibn Taymiyyah after recording the whole incident in
his book, comments:I say that this and
other forms of supplication have been taken over from our predecessors►Qaida
al Jaleela, Fit Tawassul wal-Wasila, Page No. 91
The tomb of Abū Ayyūb al-Ansārī-He
was one of the great Companions. He took part in the battle of Constantinople.
Near the enemy border he fell ill. As the illness grew worse, he dictated his
will as follows:When I die, take my
dead body with you, when you line up against the enemy, bury me in your feet.►Ibn
‘Abd-ul-Barr, al-Istiab fī ma‘rifat-il-ashāb (1:404-5) So, acting on his will,
the Islamic soldiers buried him at the foot of the fort and warned the enemies
that in case they tried to desecrate his grave, no church in the Islamic
country would remain safe. Thus, even the enemies were forced to revere his
grave, and people soon came to know the blessings emanating from the grave.
Whatever they prayed for at the grave was immediately granted.
And Abū Ayyūb’s grave lies near the
ramparts of the fort and everybody knows it… When people pray for rain there,
it starts raining.
►Ibn ‘Abd-ul-Barr, al-Istiab fī ma‘rifat-il-ashāb (1:405)
Mujahid says:Whenever there is famine,
people expose the grave, so it starts raining
Imam’s Who Believe in Intercession and
their Experiences
1. Imam Shafi-He
describes his own experience about the blessings of the tomb of Imam Abū
Hanīfah: I derive blessing from the
person of Imam Abū Hanīfah and I visit his grave everyday. When I face a
problem, I offer two optional cycles of prayer and visit his grave and (while
standing) I pray to Allah to solve my problem. And I have not even
left the place that my problem is solved.
►Khatīb Baghdādī has related the incident with a sound chain of transmission in
his Tārīkh Baghdād (1:123)
►Ibn Hajar Haythamī, al-Khayrāt-ul-hisān fī manāqib-il-imām al-a‘zam Abū
Hanīfah (p.94)
► Muhammad Zāhid Kawtharī, Maqālāt (p.381)
►Ibn ‘Ābidīn Shāmī in Radd-ul-muhtār ‘alā Durr-il-mukhtār (1:41).
1.should have haqiqi iman (prefect/kamil)-practsing kull deen islam-iman-ihsan
2.hijrat illah /migration –from ghaflat to zikr ,bad ahklaq to good ahklaq ,kidmate deen
3.jihad fisabillah- against nafs ,shaitan,kuffar and innovations by spending wealth,lives and time.
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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