Dars e Imam-Types Of Standing

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

‘Inclination’ here refers to bending less than the position of Ruku. Bending until the position of Ruku is forbidden, as stated in this discussion’s introduction. Allama Haskafi (ra) writes, “It is permissible – in fact, preferable – to stand in respect for an approaching person, e.g. a person reciting the Quran is allowed to stand before an Aalim.” 9. 2 – Durre-Mukhtaar, Vol. 5, Kitaabul-Karaahiyat, Baabul-Istibraa

Shaami states that while a person is sitting in the first row (saff) of the Musjid, waiting for Salaah to commence while an Aalim approaches, it is Mustahab to make place for him and even leave his sitting place for the Aalim. In fact, doing this is more excellent for him than performing Salaah in the first row.” – Vol. 1, Baabul-Imaamat .This respect was for the Learned (Ulama) of the Ummah. However, while even leading namaaz, when Hadrat Abu Bakr (ra) saw the Holy Prophet approaching, he made himself a follower (muqtadi) and the Holy Prophet(saws) thus became the Imam, all during the middle of the Salaah! -Mishkaat, Baabu Mardil-Nabi .These actions establish that respect for the Buzurgs of Islam should be made even in the condition of worship (ibaadat). A Hadith states, “Talha ibn Ubaidullah (ra) stood up and ran towards me. He made Musaafaha and congratulated me.” – Muslim, Vol. 2, Hadith Taabati ibn Maalik, Kitoabut­ Taube Imam Nawawi (ra) writes in the commentary of this Hadith, ‘This proves that to make Mustafaha to a person who approaches, to stand up in respect for him and to run to meet him is Mustahab” -Sharah Nawawi

Thirdly, it is Sunnah to stand up in happiness and kiss the hands and legs of a beloved person whenever he arrives.Once, Hadrat Zaid ibn Haaritha (ra) stood at the home of the Holy Prophet and knocked on the door. Rasoolullah stood towards him without his covering on his upper body. Hadrat Zaid ibn Haaritha (ra) then embraced and kissed him. 9.16 – Mishkaat, Kitaabul-Adab, Baabul­Musaafaha .When Sayyidah Fathima Zahra used to present herself in the Prophet’s court, “He used to stand up for her hold her by her hand, kiss her and make her sit in his sitting place. Likewise, when the Messenger used to visit her, she would do the same to him.” -Ibid .Mirqaat states. “و فیہ ایمائ الی ندب القیام لتعظیم الفضلاء و الکبرا” – Baabul-Mashi bil­Janaazah, Section 2 This proves that Standing in Respect is allowed for the People of Eminence (Fudhala).

Fourthly, whenever the remembrance of a beloved or any good news is heard, to stand up at that time is preferred (Mustahab) and the Sunnah of the Sahaaba and Salaf. Hadrat Uthman (ra) states that once, upon giving Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique (ra) some good news, “… He stood up and said, “May my parents be sacrificed on you! The person truly worthy of this is you.” – Mishkaat, Kitaabul-Imaan, Section 3 .Under the commentary of the ayat, ” محمد رسول اللہ” Tafseer Roohul-Bayaan stales that a gathering of Ulama was present with Imam Taqi’uddin Subki (ra) .When a Naath reciter read two verses of Naath Sharif. “Immediately, Imam Subki (ra) and all those present in the gathering stood up. A great delight was attained through this gathering.”

Fifthly, if a Kaafir is the leader and chief of his people and there is hope that he will embrace Islam, to stand in his respect when he approaches is Sunnah. Thus, when Hadrat Umar (ra) presented him in the Holy Prophet’s court to accept Islam, the Prophet stood up and embraced him. – Books of History .Alamghiri states, “If a Zimmi Kaafir comes to a Muslim and the latter stands up for him in the hope that he will accept Islam, it is permissible.” – Kitaabul­-Karaahiyat, Baabu Ahliz-Zimma

Standing at certain times is also Makrooh. Firstly, standing at the time of drinking water besides Zam-Zam and leftover water from wudhu (without an excuse) is Makrooh. Secondly, it is Makrooh to stand in the respect of a materialistic person (dunyadaar) in greed of materialism without an eligible excuse. Thirdly, standing in the respect of a kaafir solely for the reason of his wealth is Makrooh. Alamghiri states, “If standing for him (a Kaafir) takes place not for the aforementioned cases but rather for the greed of his wealth, it is Makrooh.” – Kitaabul-Karaahiyat, Baabuv Ahliz-Zimma .Fourthly, to stand in respect for a person who wants people to respect him is prohibited. Also, if people stand around a seated, respected man with their hands folded is explicitly disallowed. To like people standing for you is also prohibited.

The Shariah has not prohibited it and the general Muslims of every country believe it to be an action of thawaab. Verily, whatever is believed to be good by Muslims is accepted likewise in the sight of Allah(swt). We have already proven this in the discussion of Meelad Sharif and Innovation, and have confirmed that an action deemed as Mustahab (preferable) by Muslims is also Mustahab according to the Shariah. Shaami states, “لان التعامل بیترک بہ القیاس لحدیث ما راہ المومنون حسنا فھو عنداللہ حسن”. – Vol. 3, Kitaabul-Waqf, Waqfu-Manqulaat When Hadrat Sa’ad ibn Mu’aaz (ra) came into Musjidun-Nabawee, the Holy Prophet(saws) ordered the Ansaar, “Stand up for your leader.”

Under the ayat, “وتعاونوا علی البر و التقوی و لا تعاونوا علی الاثم و العدوان ” 9.29 Allama Ismail Haqqi (ra) writes that anything which attains a religious greatness becomes a sign of Allah(swt) and thereafter respecting it is necessary, e.g. some months, days, places and times, etc. This is why Saffa and Marwa, the Kaaba, month of Ramadaan and Lailatul-Qadr are all shown respect. – Tafseer Roohul-Bayaan Remembrance (zikr) of the Prophet’s (saws) birth is also from the signs of Allah(swt). As a result, standing adequately fulfils the respect that is needed for it.

the emotions and inclination of the heart lead actions to become the worship of Allah(swt). It is stated in the biography of Hadrat Imam Maalik (ra) that he never rode a horse on the earth of Madina. Whenever he taught Hadith, he would firstly make Ghusal, wear clean clothes, apply itr (perfume) and sit with reverence and awe.­ Introduction of Ashiatul-Lam ‘aat and Mirqaat .Tell us, did any Sahabi respect the Hadith or Madina Sharif in this manner? No! This is the inclination and emotion of Imam Maalik’s (ra) heart, so it is thawaab indeed.


1.should have haqiqi iman (prefect/kamil)-practsing kull deen islam-iman-ihsan

2.hijrat illah /migration –from ghaflat to zikr ,bad ahklaq to good ahklaq ,kidmate deen

3.jihad fisabililah- against nafs ,shaitan,kuffar and innovations by spending wealth,lives and time.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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