Dars e Imam-Subhan

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

The mainstream Ahlus Sunnah always battled against the literalists by simply attributing the meanings of Mutashabihaat onto Allah Ta’la alone, for example Hands of Allah, foot, shin, laughter, his descent, his establishment etc… The true and actual meaning of these are known by none but Allah, however while explaining to ultra-curious laymen the best opinion is to interpret them into what suits Allah’s Majesty.

Imam Qurtubi (rah) writes Verdicts which shake the foundation of Literalists
The Exalted said: {But those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part thereof that is allegorical, seeking discord, and searching for its hidden meanings} Our Shaykh, Abul Abbas (Rahimuhullah) said: Furthermore, the followers of the allegorical verses (mutashabih) are not free from: Following it and collecting it, seeking to raise doubts in the Qur’an and (seeking to) misguide the laymen as done by the Zanadiqah (deviants), the Qaramitah, and the refuters of the Quran. Or seeking to believe in the “Outward (Zawahir)” meanings of the mutashabih as done by the Mujasmiya (deluded ones who give physical traits to Allah), those who collected from the Quran and Sunnah whatever gave a physical meaning when taken literally (dhahir). To the extent that they believed that the Creator is a physical body and a fashioned form, possessing a face and other things: hand, eye, side and finger. Exalted is Allah from that, with the most Supreme Exaltation. Or they sought out these (mutashabih) with a view to manifest its interpretations and clarify its meanings. Or (they did) like Subaygh when he asked ‘Umar about them (the mutashabih) excessively.

So there are four categorical (verdicts) on them
The First: There is no doubt about their disbelief (kufr) and that the judgment of Allah concerning them is execution without even asking them to repent.
The Second: The most sound (opinion) is to make takfīr on them (to consider them to be kafirs), since there is no difference between them and worshipers of idols and images. And they should be asked to repent. Thereafter, either they’ll repent, or if not, they should be executed as is done to an apostate (murtad).
 The Third: There is a difference of opinion concerning that (action) based upon the difference of opinion in the permissibility of (various) interpretations. And it is known that the madhhab of the Salaf (pious predecessors) was to leave the undertaking of interpreting them while being certain that the literal meaning (Zawahir) was impossible. So they would say, “Let it pass as it came!” And some of them (the Salaf) took the madhhab of manifesting its interpretations by interpreting it with meanings consistent with the (Arabic) tongue without definitively confirming a specific possible meaning.
The Fourth: The judgment for him is to be taught a profound lesson as Amir ul Momineen Umar ibn al Khattab did to Subaygh [Tafsir ul Qurtubi i.e. Jami ul Ahkaam ul Quran under 3:7]

From Imam Shafi [rah] quoted by Imam Suyuti [rah] in Al-Ashbah wa An-Nadha’ir
Al-Hafidh As-Suyutiyy copies the statement of Imam Ash-Shafi‘iyy that Al-Mujassimah (those who believe that Allah has bodily attributes i.e. present-day wahhabis) are blasphemers.
Imam Bayhaiqyy in al-Asma’ wa as-Sifat -al-Hafidh Abu Bakr al-Bayhaqiyy said: “Some of our companions used as evidence to deny a place for Allah, the saying of the Prophet:”O Allah You are adh-Dhahir so there is nothing above You, O Allah, You are al-Batin so there is nothing beneath You”. So if there is nothing above Him and nothing below him is that He is not in a place.”
Abu hanifa [rah] and Mullah Ali Qari [rah] Opinion of Abu Hanifa from Mullah Ali Qari in Minah ar-Rawd al-Azhar fi Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar said He said in his explanation of the book al-Fiqh al-Akbar, pages 333 – 334:To answer this

[i.e. the false assumptions]

, we can cite the Shaykh, Imam Ibn Abdus-Salaam, who in his book al-Hal Ramuz, said that Abu Hanifah, may Allah have mercy on him, said: “Whoever says:” I do not know if God is in heaven or on earth has committed kufr, because it has assigned a place to God (al-Haqq), and one who thinks that God is in a

place is an anthropomorphic (mushabbih).” There is no doubt that Ibn Abdus-Salam is one of the scholars most reliable and secure, therefore it is obligatory to believe in what he reported.”
Abu hanifa [rah] and Mullah Ali Qari [rah] In the same book as above, p.355, he says:”Those who were unjust, who are among those who LIED concerning Allah, or claimed things that included the confirmation of a PLACE to Allah, a DIRECTION in front of [Him] and confirmation of distance [between Him and His creatures] and everything like that is a kafir

Imam Abu Mansur al-Baghdadiyy[rah] In his book Usul ad-Din, pages 337-338, Imam Abu Mansur al-Baghdadiyy refutes Mujassimah (those who attribute a body (jism) to Allah). On page 337, he said: “As for Jismiyyah (those who attribute to God a body) of Khurasan among Karramiyyah, declaring them unbelievers is mandatory, because they affirm that Allah HAS A LIMIT , and an end to the bottom, and that He would connect with the throne, and also their saying that there are created things that occur in Allah.”He continues to say: “By allowing [the belief] that Allah has created things that occur in Him, they ruin for themselves the evidence of the Oneness of God. That means, that bodies are created because they have created things in them . Thus, according to their own reasoning, they can not prove that the world has a beginning, and therefore they have no way of knowing the Creator of the world. Consequently, they do not know… Everyone who disagreed with them, have agreed on the fact that they (al-Mujassimah) are people of hell, so in that respect, they are the worst of all deviant sects.”
Imam Abul-Barakat Abdullah Ibn Ahmad Nasafiyy [rah] in his magnificent Tafsir wrote on page 164, volume 2 of his Tafsir of Qur’an: “About the ayah:which means: “And Allah has the Perfect Names, so invoke Him by these Names, and stay away from those who demonstrate ilhaad [atheism] to these names.” Surah al-‘Araf verse 180.”It is atheism (ilhaad) then to call Allah “body” (jism) or ‘atom/smallest particle’ (jawhar) or “reason” ( ‘aql) or “cause” (‘illah) .”
Imam al-Qurtubiyy said in his Tafsir, in the first verse of Istiwa in Qur’an, volume 1 pages 254, Surah Al-Baqarah verse: “This verse is part of the problematic verses and people concerning this verse and similar verses are divided into three groups. Some have said, “we read, and we believe without doing explaining, and this is the opinion of many of the imams. It is as has been reported from Imam Malik, may Allah have mercy on him, that a man was asked about the verse “ar-Rahmanu ‘alal-arshi-stawa and he said “The istawa is not unknown, and how (kayf) is inconceivable, and belief in it (istiwa) is obligatory and questioning on this subject is a [bad] innovation, and I see you’re a bad person! So he ordered the man to be thrown out. Some others have said, “we read and we explain by what is apparent in the language. And this is the saying of anthropomorphists (mushabbihah). And others said: “We read and we interpret them and we prohibit the act of taking them as the apparent meaning.

Nafs is for kidmate e elahi –duniya

Ruh is for qurb e elahi (love+knowledge)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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