Dars e Imam-Stand Respect

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Allah(swt) made the angels peform Sajda-e-Taazimi (the Sajda of Respect) for Hadrat Adam (as), and Hadrat Yaqoob (as) and his sons made Sajda­e-Taazimi for Hadrat Yusuf (as). – Holy Quran

Islam has ruled Sajda-e- Taazimi and Ruku-e- Taazimi to be Haraam but has left Qiyaam-e- Tanzimi (standing in respect) and sitting in respect to be permissible.

This establishes that a rule of the Quran can be made inapplicable (mansookh) by the Hadith, because the former confirms the Sajda of Respect while the latter abolishes it. It should also be remembered that bending or placing the head on the earth before someone will only become Haraam when Ruku and Sajda is intended by these actions. However, if a person bends down to make the shoes of a Buzurg straight or kiss his hands, this will not be Ruku because even though bending has been performed, there was no intention of Ruku. Yes, to bend until one reaches the position of Ruku and then makes Salaam is Haraam (i.e, to bend for making Salaam in respect, until the position of Ruku, is Haraam). If bending in respect was for some other action, then it is permissible (e.g. to straighten sorneone’s shoes, etc.) This difference should always be remembered as it is very helpful. Shaarni states, “To bend close to Ruku and gesture in making Salaam is like Sajda {i.e. it is Haraam). Muheet states that to bend before a king is Makrooh-e-Tahrimi.,, Vol. 5, Kitaabul-Karaahiyah, Baabul-lstibraa

Qiyaam (i.e. standing), is of 6 types: Qiyaame-Jaaiz (permissible), Qiyaame­Fardh, Qiyaame-Sunnat, Qiyaame-Mustahab (preferred), Qiyaame-Makrooh (disliked) and Qiyaame-Haraam.

1. To stand for worldly needs is permissible. There are thousands of examples of this (e.g. to stand and build a house and other worldly activities).

“When you have completed Jumaa salaah, spread yourselves over the earth.,, surah jumma verse10 Without standing, spreading out is impossible.

2. Standing in the five daily Salaah and Waajib namaaz is Fardh. “Stand before Allah(swt) in obedience.” 2/238.In other words, if a person performs these Salaah sitting though he has the ability to stand, his Salaah will not be done.

3. To stand in optional (Nafl) Salaah is Mustahab and to sit and perform Nafl Salaah is allowed (though completing Nafl Salaah standing has more thawaab).

4. It is Sunnah to stand on a few occasions, such as out of respect far a deeni glorified object. This is why it is proven from the Sunnah to stand and drink the water of Zam-Zam and the water remaining after wudhu. If Allah(swt) grants us the honour, when presenting ourselves before the Rauza of Rasoolullah (saws), it is Sunnah for us to stand and fold our hands just as how we do in namaaz.

Alamghiri states, “Stand before the blessed Rauza Sharif just as how standing in namaaz is done. The beautiful appearance of the Holy Prophet(saws) should be envisaged in the mind of him resting in his blessed grave and knowing and hearing the person standing before the Rauza,’ Vol. 1. Kitaabul-Hajj, Adaabu Ziyaarati-Qabrin­Nabi. Likewise, when making Fatiha at the graves of the Mu’mins, it is Sunnah to put the back towards the Qibla and stand facing the grave.

Alamghiri states, “You should remove your shoes, put your back towards the Qibla and stand facing the grave.” Kitaabul-Karaahiyah, Baabu Ziyaaratil-Quboor

The Rauza Sharif, water of Zam-Zarn and wudhu, as well as the grave of a Mu’min are all sacred things. Their respect has been emplaced with standing (qiyaam).

Hadrat Abu Hurairah (ra) states, “Whenever the Prophet, woke up from a gathering, we used to stand up until we saw him enter the home of any of his spouses.”

Secondly, whenever a deeni leader or person approaches, to stand for his respect is Sunnah. Standing when a deeni leader stands is Sunnah and sitting while he is standing is contrary to politeness. When Hadrat Sa’ad ibn Mu’aaz (ra) came into Musjidun Nabawee, the Holy Prophet ordered the Ansaar, “Stand up for your leader.” Mishkaat, Vol. 1, Kitaabul-Jihoad, Baabu Hukmil-Usraa and Baabul-Qiyaam This standing was in respect (Tazimi), the Ansaar were not made to stand out of any helplessness. Also, only a couple of people are sufficient to help him alight from the horse. Why were all submitted to stand? We shall have to accept that this standing was done in reverence. Hadrat Sa’ad (ra) was the chief of the Ansaar and they were used to showing respect to him.

5/6.Is namaaz also sick that we have to stand up to help it? Under this very Hadith, Shaikh Abdul-Haqq (ra) writes, “At this juncture, the wisdom behind the display of reverence to Sa’ad (ra) was because he was called to decide on the Bani Quraiza. Demonstrating his distinction and glory in this manner was appropriate and good.” – Ashiatul-Lam’aat

Hadrat Abu Hurairah (ra) states, “Whenever the Prophet woke up from a gathering, we used to stand up until we saw him enter the home of any of his spouses.” Mishkaat, Baabul-Qiyaam. Under the Hadith

‘Qoomu ilaa-Sayyidikum’, Ashiatul-Lam ‘aat states, “Based on this Hadith, the majority of scholars have unanimously agreed on the permissibility of respecting the virtuous Ulama. Imam Nawawi (ra) states, “To stand at the time of Buzurgs approaching is Mustahab (preferred). Many Ahadith have been narrated in proof of this and there is none that explicitly prohibits it.” It has been recorded from the book ‘Qeenya’ that it is not Makrooh for a sitting person to stand up in respect of someone who approaches.” – Kitaabul-Adab, Baabul-Qiyaam .Alamghiri states, “To demonstrate the esteem of someone besides Allah(swt) by standing up and shaking hands (Musaafaha) with inclination is permissible. Kitaabul-Karaahiyat, BaabuMulaaqaatil-Mulook

Mureed is from iradah/intention ,to seek Allah and his pleasure/raza ,qurb/nearness and wajah/face.

Mureed =no talib e jannat or talib e duniya only talib e moula (because jannat/highest and duniya/lowest  both are creations).

Mard e kamil/perfect insan=body (earthly) but heart arshi/celestial/heavenly.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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