Dars e Imam-Sight Awliya

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Rasoolullah () can be seen in various ways at various places at the same moment. In fact, this can be believed through intellect, also: adh-dhat ash-Sharif (honorable person) of his becomes like a mirror, and everybody sees the image of his own beauty or ugliness in this mirror. There takes place no change in the beauty of the mirror. The life in grave and that in the Hereafter do not resemble to worldly life. Each person has a single figure in the world. It has been witnessed many times that Awliya’ have taken various figures in this world, also. It is famous that Kadeeb al-ban Hasan al-Musuli and others have been seen as such.”

Imam Mullah ‘Ali Qari states that, Imam Ghazaali (ra) has said,”When you go into a mosque then say Salaam to the Holy Prophet () because the Holy Prophet () is present (Haazir) in mosques.” (Naseemu Riaz Sharah Shifa in the end of third Vol)

Now, consider how many mosques there are throughout the world and the Holy Prophet () is present in all of them!

Qadhi ‘Iyad (ra) in his book Shifa, writes, “Whenever there is nobody present in the home and you enter the home recite, ‘Assalaamu ‘Alaika Ayyuhannabi Warahmatullah Wa Barakatahoo'”. Meaning, “Peace be upon you ‘Oh’ Holy Prophet () of Allah and Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon you.” (Shifa Shareef)

Mulla ‘Ali Qari (ra) in his Sharh Shifa writes, “The reason is that the Holy Prophet’s () soul is HAAZIR (present) in every Muslim home”.

Sayyid Ahmad al-Hamawi (ra) noted in his book, Nafakhaat al-qurb wa ‘l-ittisaal bi-ithbaati ‘t-tasarrufi li awliyaa’i’llaahi ta’aalaa wa ‘l-karaamati ba’d al-intiqaal ……that the Ruhaniyya (spirituality) of Awliya (saints) was more powerful than their Jismanniyah (physical existence), and they therefore could be seen in different places at the same moment. He quoted the following Hadith Shareef as a document for his words : “There are people who will enter Paradise through every gate. Each gate will call them to itself,” upon which Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq (radi Allahu ‘anhu) asked, “Will there be anyone to enter through all the eight gates, Oh Rasoolullah?” and Rasoolullah () answered, “I hope you will be one of them.”

One can appear in different places at the same moment when his soul aquires the power of having connection with his original position in ‘aalam ul-amr. Since the soul’s interest in the world decreases when a man dies, his soul becomes more powerful. It becomes easier for him to appear in different places at the same moment.

It is recorded that at the time of the call to prayer (Adhan) the Shaitaan runs thirty six miles away and returns in an instant after the completion of the Adhan (Mishkaat – Chapter Adhan). how can it be, that Allah Ta’ala’s Beloved, Huzoor-e-Aqdas Muhammad Mustafa () is confined to his Blessed Grave while Shaitaan the cursed is freely running up and down, and that too, at high speeds !

Besides Shaitaan, even Angels have this ability. The Holy Qur’aan says, “…when death comes to any of you, Our Angels take his soul and they do not fail ” (6/61). Relating to this it is written that, “For the Angel of Death the whole of the Earth is like a tray, so that he may take the souls as he pleases. There is no difficulty for the Angel of Death to take souls, even though there are many and at many different places !” (Tafseer Kabir Khazeen and Ruh-ul-Bayaan)

The speed of Jibra’eel (‘alaihis salaam) is such that, when Nabi Yusuf (‘alaihis salaam) was thrown into the well Jibra’eel (‘alaihis salaam) travelled from Sidratul Muntaha to the bottom of the well. When Nabi Ibraheem (‘alaihis salaam) was about to sacrifice Nabi Ismail (‘alaihis salaam) and had his knife on the neck of Nabi Ismail (‘alaihis salaam), Jibra’eel, travelled from Sidratul Muntaha to the earth with a Ram.

The above events relate to an Angel and it’s abilities, but men of Allah (Awliya Allah) are also imbued with such powers. Asif ibn Barkhiya’s taking the throne of Bilqis [the Queen of Sheba] to Sulaiman (‘alaihis salaam) is also reported in the Qur’an al-karim,  27/39-40.

It is written in the book Wahhabiyya: “Tayy al-masaafa, that is, traversing long distances in a moment, is a Karaama (miracle) bestowed upon Awliya’. It is Waajib to believe in this.” This fact is also written in An-Nasafi, Al-fiqh al-Akbar, As-siwaad al-a’zam, Wasiyyatu Abi Yusuf, Mawaaqif and Maqaasid and commentaries on them [and in Radd al-muhtaar].

It is written also at the end of the chapter about Thubat an-nasab in Ibn ‘Abidin’s (ra) work that some Awliya’ travelled long distances in a short time. As matter of fact, this became the subjects of mas’alas (matters) in books of Fiqh in the Shafi’i and Hanafi Madhhabs.

Ibn Hajar al-Haitami (ra) wrote in his Fatawa, “The number of those who said that if a Wali (saint) goes to a very distant place in the West [in a short time] after he has performed the evening Salaat and if the sun has not set there yet, he need not perform the evening Salaat for the second time at that place, are many.” Shams ad-din Muhammad ar-Ramli (ra) said that he should perform it.

Khair/goodness –must be directed towards Allah

Shar/bad –must be directed towards self

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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