Dars e Imam-Shaik

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Mas’ala (Rule): To commemorate the Urs of the Awliyah Allah by reading Quraan, Naats, Faateha and delivering talks etc are all permissible. To do any actions contrary to Shariah are definitely disallowed, more so at a Mazaar Shareef. The Sunnis have a very close relationship with the pious servants and they even become mureeds of Great Sheikhs (Sheikhs) of many silsilas (spiritual chains). To confuse and trap the Muslims, the — have also started making mureeds, whereas they do not even have faith in the Awliyah Allah. When becoming Mureed, we should be very aware of this. There are four pre‑conditions that one must confirm before accepting any one as a Sheikh. This is an obligation upon one who seeks a Sheikh.
1. The Sheikh must be Sunni on True Belief
2. He should have sufficient knowledge to find the solutions to daily Islamic issues.
3. He must not be a Faasiq (Open sinner).
4. His chain must link to the Prophet (peace be upon him).

Kissing the hands and feet of the Friends of Allah(swt)and their relics (eg. hair, clothes, etc) after their demise, as well as respecting them, is preferable (Mustahab)

Kissing sacred relics is permissible. The Holy Quran states, “O Bani Israel! Enter the door of Baitul-Muqaddas making Sajda and say, “May our sins be forgiven”.7/161 This verse commands the respect of Baitul-Muqaddas (which is the resting area of the Prophets), ordering the Bani Israel to enter it making Sajda. It is also known from this verse that repentance (tauba) is quickly accepted at sacred places.

Allah(swt)states, ‘The Bani Israel’s Prophet said to them, “The sign of the kingship of Taloot is that a box (taboot) will come to you. This box will have solace for hearts from your Lord and will contain some things from that which Hadrat Musa (as) and Hadrat Haarun (as) have used and left behind. The angels will carry it.” –2/248 .Tafseer Khaazin, Roohul-Bayaan, Madaarik, Jalaalain, etc. have said in the commentary of this ayat that taboot was a box made from the wood of the Shamshaad tree (box tree). It contained the pictures of the Prophets (not made by men, but naturally), models of their respective homes, the walking stick of Hadrat Musa (as) , his shoes and clothes, as well as the walking stick and turban of Hadrat Haarun (as). Whenever the Bani Israel went into war, they would place this box in front of them to attain barkat. They even did this when supplicating to Allah(swt).Thus, it is clearly proven that attaining guidance (faiz) from the sacred relics of the pious and respecting them is the practice of the Prophet’s(saws),

Qaadhi Ayaadh (ra)states, “Hadrat Abdullah ibn Umar (ra)used to place his hand and mouth upon (i.e. he used to kiss) the mimbar from which the Holy Prophet(saws)used to deliver the khutba  – Shifaa Sharif

 It is written in the Sharah of Bukhari by Allama Ibn Hajar (ra)Some Ulama have proven kissing the relics of the pious, etc. based on the kissing of the corners of the Kaaba.

It is reported that Ibn Abu Sinf Yemeni (ra), who was an eminent scholar of the Shafee muzhab, said, “Kissing the pages of the Holy Quran, Hadith and the burial places of the Friends of Allah(swt)is permissible'” – Chapter 6, Pg. 15

Imam Jalaaluddin Suyuti (ra)states, “Some Aarifeen have proven kissing the burial places of the pious from the kissing of Hajar-e-Aswad.” – Tausheikh

Under the ayat, “فلما ذھبوا بہ ”  12/15Tafseer Khaazin, Madaarik, Roohul-Bayaan and Tafseer Kabeer state that when Hadrat Yaqub (as) sent Hadrat Yusuf (as) with his brothers, he tied the shirt of Hadrat Ibrahim (as) as an amulet {ta’weez} around his neck for protection.

Alamghiri states, “There is nothing wrong with kissing the hand of an Aalim for his knowledge or the hand of a pious king for his fairness.” – Kitaabul· Karaahiyat, Baabu-Mulaaqaatil-Mulook And, “There is nothing wrong with a person kissing the graves of his parents,” – KitaabuI-Karaahiyat, Baabu Ziyaaratil-Quboor

It is also stated in another place, “There are five kinds of kissing,

I. A kiss of mercy (e.g. a father kissing his son).

2. A, kiss when meeting (e.g. some Muslims kiss their Muslim friends upon meeting each other).

3. A kiss of affection (e.g. a child kissing his parents).

4. A kiss of friendship (e.g. a person kissing his friend).

5. A kiss of lust (e.g. a husband kissing his wife).

Some have added ‘a kiss of deen’ to this (e.g. the kissing of Hajar-e-Aswadl”

Durre-Mukhtaar states, “Kissing the hands of an Aalim or just king is legitimate,’- Vol. 5, Kitaabul-Karaahiyat, Baabu !stibraa .Beneath this, Allama Shaami (ra)quotes a Hadith from Haakim, “The Holy Prophet gave permission to this person, who in turn kissed the Prophet’s blessed hands and legs. Rasoolullah then said, “If! were to command Sajda to a person, I would instruct a woman to make Sajda to her husband:’  – Raddul­-Muhtaar

At the same place, Durre-Mukhtaar also records the five kinds of kissing as stated above, but Allama Haskafi (ra)further adds, “Another type of kissing is a religious kiss (e.g. kissing the Hajar-e-Aswad, the door of the Kaaba, the Holy Quran, etc.). Some have said that kissing the Holy Quran is an Innovation (Bidat), but it is reported that Hadrat Umar (ra)used to take the Holy Quran in his hand every morning and kiss it. With regards to kissing roti (bread), Imam Shafee has permitted this saying. “This is a permissible Innovation:’ Some have also said that doing so is a good one (Bidat-e-Hasana).” .Allah(swt)states, “و اتخذوا من مقام ابراھیم مصلی” Maqaam-e-Ibrahim is the stone that Hadrat Ibrahim (as) stood on to build the Kaaba. Due to the blessings of his foot, the stone became so elevated in rank that Haajis from the entire world are commanded to prostrate near it.

Darood o salaam =no rules and regulation.

Allah’s sunnat is greater than rasool’s sunnat

Sunnat e elahi doesn’t bounded with rules and regulations(language,distance, position, timings,numbers etc etc)

Sunnat e malaika/angels-standing/sitting/majlis/single/roamine etc etc.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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