Dars e Imam-Quran Near Grave

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Hafiz Ibn al-Qayyim
It is narrated from a group of Islaaf that they advised to recite (Quran) on their graves at the time of burying them. Abdul Haq has narrated that “Ibn Umar (RA) ordered (others) to recite Surah Baqarah on his grave” A’la bin Abdur Rahman also holds the same opinion. Imam Ahmed (rah) did not agree to this in the beginning because proof had not reached him then, “however later he agreed” Ala’ bin Lajlaaj (Radhi Allaho anho) has narrated that his father advised that when he is to be buried you should recite
بسم الله وعلى سنة رسول الله and then add dust, after this stand on the side and recite the beginning of Surah al Baqarah, because he heard Ibn Umar (RA) saying this. (Note: The Hadith is traced as Marfu i.e. from Prophet salAllaho alaihi wasalam in Al-Kabir of Imam Tabrani, Imam Haythami called all its narrators to be Thiqa in Majma az Zawaid 3:44)…

Abbas Ad-Dori (rah) narrates that he asked Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal if there is any tradition about reciting (Quran) on the graves? (Imam Ahmed) said No! However when Yahya bin Moin (rah) was asked he narrated that he along with Imam Ahmed (rah) and Ibn Quduma (rah) took part in a funeral procession. After burial a blind person started to recite (Quran) on the Qabr, Imam Ahmed said: It is Bidah to recite (Quran) near the grave, however when we left the graveyard ibn Qudama (rah) asked Imam Ahmed (rah) what his stance was on Mubashar al Halbi (rah)? Imam

Ahmed said that “HE IS THIQA” (Ibn Qudama) said: Have you taken his narrations? Imam Ahmed said “Yes” at this Ibn Qudama said: Mubashar narrated from Abdur Rahman bin Ala’ bin Lajlaj (RA) … (and he mentioned the same narration as mentioned above), hearing this “IMAM AHMED ASKED TO CALL THE BLIND MAN BACK FOR RECITING (ON THE GRAVE)” Ibn Qayyim in Kitab ar Ruh, Page Nos. 64-65, Published by Dar Ibn Kathir, Damascus, Syria. Narrated by al-Ghazali in his Ihya, book of “The Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife,” trans. T.J. Winter [`Abd al-Hakim Murad] (Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society, 1989) p. 117.

Ghazali prefaces the relation with the words: “There is no harm in reciting the Qur’an over graves.” Hassan bin Jarvi (rah) has narrated that he recited Surah al-Mulk at the grave of his sister. A person came to him and said that he saw his sister in dream who said: May Allah give Jaza (to my brother) because his Qir’at has been of benefit to me. One person used to recite Surah Yasin at the grave of his mother every Friday.
Once he recited Surah Yasin and made a dua: O Allah If in your sight this Surah is a source of Thawaab to others then grant Thawaab to all those buried in this graveyard. Next Friday a woman came to him and asked: Are you son of so and so, at which he said Yes. She replied: One of my daughters has recently passed away, I saw her in dream that she is sitting at the corner of her grave, I asked why she was sitting there? She took your name and said that you had came to recite Surah Yasi after which you denoted Thawaab to all of those who are buried, out of this we received thawaab too.

Ibn Qayyim in Kitab ar Ruh–“If a Muslim recites Qur’an, performs Hajj, offers du’a’ or gives in charity on the behalf of the deceased, then the deceased gets the benefits of it. Some innovators say that the deceased do not get any such reward, which is wrong according to the authentic ahadith. The proof is in the Qur’an that Allah Most High has praised those who ask for forgiveness for their Muslim brothers. An authentic hadith proves that Prophet Muhammad replied to a question saying that to offer alms on behalf of a deceased person earns benefit. Some individuals suspect that the earlier Muslims did not do isal ath-thawab. This is because of their own ignorance or lack of knowledge. The earlier Muslims did not do these to show off. The Prophet Muhammad himself gave permission to offer alms, so it is right to say that isal ath-thawab is right. The ayat in the Qur’an, which states that only ones own deeds are rewarded, means that if one is righteous enough to get rewarded, which means that one is righteous to receive reward, but a present from someone else is also rewarded to the deceased by Allah Most High”[Ibn al-Qayyim, Kitab ar-Ruh, Chapter 16]

 Al Shu`bi said: “The Ansar, if someone died among them, would go to his grave and recite the Quran there.(Kitab Al Ruh, Ibn Qayyim (Madani ed. p. 18))

Za`farani said: “I asked Shafii about reciting Qur’an at the graveside and he said: la ba’sa bihi — There is no harm in it.(Kitab Al Ruh, Ibn Qayyim)

Qadi Shawkani- “According to the Sunni creed, a deceased receives reward from others praying, performing Hajj, offering alms, but the Mu’tazilites [a deviant sect]refuse to accept this. If it is wrong to offer these to the deceased, then Islam would not have allowed us to say Salam [greeting of peace] to the deceased when visiting or entering the graveyards”[Qadi Shawkani, Nayl al-Awtar, chapter on ‘Janaiz’]
“Let one recite over the grave, after burial, the beginning of Surat al-Baqara and its end.” This is based on Ibn `Umar’s words narrated by Bayhaqi in his Sunan (4:56): “I like that it be read over the grave the beginning of Surat al-Baqara and its end.” Shawkani comments: “Nawawi declared its chain fair (hassana isnadahu), and even if it is only Ibn `Umar’s saying, such as this is not uttered on the basis of mere opinion. It is possible that because of what he learned of the benefit of such recitation generally speaking, he then deemed it desirable that it be read over the grave due to its merit, in the hope that the deceased benefit from its recitation.”Shawkani in Tuhfat al-dhakirin (p. 229) cited al-Jazari’s instruction in al-Hisn al-hasin


Narrated ‘Aisha: Allah’s Apostle said, “Whoever died and he ought to have fasted (the missed days of Ramadan) then his guardians must fast on his behalf.” [Sahih Bukhari Book 31 Hadith 173]

The sahabi, Abu Hurayra, urged some people to pray 2 raka’ahs in Masjid Ashaar and told them to say after the prayers, “Haaza li Abi Hurayra”. THIS IS FOR ABU HURAYRA (Abu Dawud vol 2 p236)

Wealth –Nemat for people of duniya and test for people of ahkirah

Test  =that which takes you away from Allah.

Reward=that which takes you closer to Allah.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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