Dars e Imam-Questioning

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Rasoolullah passed away on Monday and was buried on Wednesday. (ref. Shaami, Kitaabus-Salaah, Baabul-Imaamat) Between these two days, people came in congregations and performed the Salaatul-Janaazah for as long as Sayyiduna Abu Bakr (ra)” who was the wali, did not perform it. Now that he has, it is not permissible for anyone to perform the Holy Prophet’sJanaazah Salaah until Qiyaamat. – Shaami, Baabu Salaatil-Janaazah.

The Holy Prophetpassed away on Monday and was buried on Wednesday. Allama Shaami (ra)writes, “This practice (Sunnat) still remains, i.e. the Khalifa is not buried until another is found as his successor.” Raddul-Muhtaar. Kitaabus-Salaah, Baabul-Imaamat. This proves that delay in burial due to any worldly reason is disliked (Makrooh) but delay due to a religious reason is somewhat permissible. Appointing a Khalifa is a religious work and delay in burial- has been allowed because of it making dua is also a deeni work. the Jurists state that if a person passes away on Friday, Jumaa namaaz should not be waited for. Rather, if burial is possible even before Jumaa namaaz, it should be performed. They do not classify a delaying in burying it to be Haraam, polytheism or infidelity (kufr}.

The Holy Prophet has said, ”Teach your deceased “Laa ilaaha illallaah – Miskhaat, Kitaabul­Janaaiz, Baabu ma Yaqool Inda man Hadaral-Maut

After the completion of worldly life, there are two incredibly difficult periods for a human,

1. At the pangs of death (when the soul is leaving the body).

2. During the Questioning of the Grave.

If ‘Khaatima bil-Khair’ was not achieved at the time of the soul exiting the body, the entire collection of deeds in one’s lifetime is lost.

Also, if the deceased failed in the test of the grave, the life of the Hereafter will be ruined.

At the time of death approaching, the living should make the sound of the Kalima audible. By doing so, the deceased leaves the world saying the Kalima and becomes successful in the test of the grave through it. Therefore, there can be two meanings to this Hadith,

1. Teach the Kalima to those who are dying.

2. Teach the Kalima to those have already passed away.

Shaami states, “According to the Ahle-Sunnah, this Hadith (“Laqqinoo … “) takes its literal meaning. It has been said that the Prophet (saws)ordered encouraging the recitation of the Kalima (Talqeen) after the burial. As a result, you should say, “O Son of [so-and-so]! Remember the religion that you were on.” – Vol. 1, Baabud-Dafn, Discussion on Talqeen after death.

Shaami further states, “Encouraging the recitation of the Kalima (Talqeen) after burial shouldn’t be prohibited because there is no harm or loss in it. Rather, there is only benefit because the deceased attains solace from the remembrance of Allah (swt)as per the Ahadith-Ibid

These extracts and Hadith prove that making Talqeen of the Kalima after burying the deceased is preferred (Mustahab) so that the deceased is successful in answering the two Angels who question in the grave (Nakeerain). Due to the Azaan containing the Kalima, the Azaan is thus also Talqeen for the deceased and Mustahab. In fact, it is completely Talqeen because the Nakeerain ask the deceased three questions,

1. Who is your Lord?

2. What is your religion?

3. What do you say regarding this man?

The answers to these questions are,

I. “Ash-hadu an Laa ilaaha Illallaah.

2. “Hayya alas-Salaah.” In other words, “My deen is the religion that has five daily Salaah.” Besides Islam, no other religion has this obligation.

3. “Ash-hadu ana Muhammadar-Rasoolullah .

Durre-Mukhtaar states that it is Mustahab to say the Azaan at ten places, “For the five daily Salaah, in the ear of a child, at the time of fire and war, after a Musaafir, at the time of a jinn appearing, at the time of anger, when a traveler forgets his path and for a person with epilepsy.” – Vol. 1, Baabul-Azaan

Shaami also states under this, “Besides Namaaz, giving Azaan at a few places is Sunnah: In the ear of an infant, a person who is worried, a person with epilepsy and someone who is angry. It is also Sunnah to be given in front of an animal which is troublesome, at the time of an army going to fight, at the time of a fire or while placing the deceased in the grave – which is making Qiyaas on the time he was born. However, Ibn Hajar (ra)has refuted giving Azaan at this time to be Sunnah.It is also Sunnah to give Azaan at the time when a jinn becomes mischievous.

Anbiya’s ruh are nourished with tajaliat e elahi

Shuhada’s ruh is near arsh e maula

Aulia’s ruh is in the highest maqam in illiyin.

Muslim’s ruh is in illiyin/peacefull locations.

Kafir’s ruh in sijjin/punishable locations.

Ruh keeps in touch with the body of barzack wherever may be(locations)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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