Dars e Imam-Qiyam Types

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Imam Nawawi (rahmat Allahi ‘alaih) holds the same view (in his commentary of this Hadith) and he even quotes the opinion of Qadi ‘Iyad (rahmat Allahi ‘alaih). (See Sharh Sahih Muslim and al-Tarkhis for Imam Nawawi’s view on Qiyaam)

Also commenting on this Hadith Hadhrat Shaikh ‘Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlawi (rahmat Allahi ‘alaih) writes, “A great number of eminent ‘Ulama have taken this Hadith as proof in support of Qiyaam in Meelad.” (Ash atul Lama’aat)

It is mentioned in Hisn-al-Haseen, on the basis of several Ahaadith, “When any man enters a masjid he should say, ‘With Allah’s name. And Salutations be on His Rasool ‘”

Allama Sakhawi (rahmat Allahi ‘alaih) has narrated from the Hadith of Hadhrat Ali (radi Allahu ‘anhu), “Whenever you enter the masjid, recite Durood for Rasoolullah – and has also quoted a Hadith narrated by Hadhrat Fathima (radi Allahu ‘anha), the daughter of Rasoolullah who said, “Whenever Rasoolullah entered the masjid he recited first Durood and Salaam for Hadhrat Muhammad (i.e. upon Himself) … “

Those that are antagonistic to Qiyaam and also claim to follow the Sunnah are therefore according to this Hadith advised to recite Durood and Salaam when entering the Masjid. Adherence to this Sunnah would mean that the antagonists would be hypocritically sending Salawat and Salaam to the Holy Prophet whilst standing.

Non-adherence of this Sunnah makes their claim of being the ardent followers of Rasoolullah without substance !Those that masquerade as the “true upholders” of the Sunnah, by claiming to follow the footsteps of the Sahaaba-e-Kiraam and continuously misquoting the Ahaadith of the Blessed Companions of Rasoolullah should take cognisance of the following Hadith:Once Hadhrath Ka’ab (radi Allahu ‘anhu) said to Hadhrath Abu Huraira (radi Allahu ‘anhu), “I am telling you two things which you should not forget. One, whenever you enter a musjid recite Salawat for the Holy Prophet , and then this Du’aa, ‘O Allah forgive me my sins and open for me the doors of Thy Mercy !'”

If the antagonist is adamant in his objection to the performance of Qiyaam (while reciting Salawat) and maintains that the only posture permitted to recite Salawat is the posture of Jalsa (in Salaah when reciting “Attahiyyaat”) then the only option open to him is to sit at the entrance of the masjid recite the Salawat, and thereafter enter ! Seeing that we have not observed anyone entering the masjid in such a manner, it is therefore deduced that persons entering the masjid are either reciting the Salawat whilst in Qiyaam, or ommitting this directive of Rasoolullah . If this great practice is intentionally ommitted, then they are guilty of not adhering to the advice of the Sahaaba-e-Kiraam.

Imam Nawawi (rahmat Allahi ‘alaih) says :al-Shaykh Abu Muhammad told us – Abu Taher al-Khashaw’i told us – Abu Muhammad al-Akfani told us – Al-hafiz Abu Bakr al-Khatib al-Baghdadi told us by permission not hearing : – Al-Husayn ibn ‘Ali al-Jawhari told us – ‘Amr ibn al-‘Abbas al-Khazzaz related to us – Abu Bakr al-Sawli told us – Ishaq ibn Ibrahim al-Qazzaz told us – Ishaq al-Shahidi related to us:I would see Yahya al-Qattan – may Allah the Exalted have mercy on him – pray the mid-afternoon prayer, then sit with his back against the base of the minaret of his mosque. Then Ali ibn al-Madini, al-Shadhakuni, ‘Amr ibn ‘Ali, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Yahya ibn Ma’in, and others would stand before him and ask him questions about Hadith standing on their feet until it was time for the sunset prayer. He would not say to a single one of them. “Sit” nor would they sit, out of awe and reverence.

Imam Nawawi (rahmat Allahi ‘alaih) said, the Hafiz Abu Musa al-Ashbahani (rahmat Allahi ‘alaih) recited :Qiyami wa al-‘aziz ilyaka haqqun-I swear by the All-Powerful that my standing for you (O Prophet) is right and true Wa tarku al-haqqi ma la yastaqimu-And to leave truth and right is to embrace error Fa hal ahadun lahu ‘aqlun wa lubbun wa ma’rifa yaraka fa la yaqumu ?-I ask: can anyone possessed of a mind and a heart and knowledge, upon seeing you, not stand up?(see Sharh Sahih Muslim and al-Tarkhis by Imam Nawawi)

Allama Ibn Hajar Makki (rahmat Allahi ‘alaih) says, “To stand at the mention of the Prophet’s Birth (Mawlid) is something the Ahl as-Sunnah Wa ‘l Jamaa’a have all agreed upon, as being a commendable action. And the Holy Prophet says, ‘My followers do not agree upon misguidance and the Hand of Allah is upon the (majority) group; and he who deviates, deviates towards the Fire (of Hell). (Tirmidhi)'” (Mawlidatil Kabeer, Page 85)

Allama Ibn Hajar (rahmat Allahi ‘alaih) states at another place, “It is proven from the Sunnah to stand for others besides the Holy Prophet , thus in honour of the Holy Prophet it is permissible in the first instance. The proof hereof is the command to stand the Prophet gave in respect of Sa’d ibn Mu’adh.”

With this Hadith with referance of Imam Nawawi, Imam Baghwi and Allama Khattabi (may Allah be pleased with all of them) state, “To stand for one’s leader, or just ruler, or teacher, is a beloved action.” The acceptance of the repentance of Ka’ab ibn Maalik (radi Allahu ‘anhu) is related by himself, “I departed to present myself at the Holy Prophet , and when I entered the Prophet’s Mosque I saw him sitting with the Companions around him, whereupon Talha ibn ‘Ubaidullah, on seeing me, STOOD UP, and shook hands with me and congratulated me upon my repentance!” (Mawlidatil-Kabeer, Page 93)

Tawajjua -Body facing kaaba and Heart facing rab e kaaba

Tawajjua -Allah gives kamal/perfection with his tawajjua to creations .

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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