Dars e Imam-Qiyam

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

In namaaz, you complete some Zikr standing, some in Ruku, some in Sajda and even while sitting. When reciting, “Ash-hadu al-Laa ilaaha iIIalaah” in At­Tahiyaat, we are ordered to gesture with our index (tashahhud) finger. This same Kalima is recited by you thousands of times out of namaaz, so why don’t you move your finger?

Muslims wear good clothes every Eid, make Ghusal and apply it every Friday, close Madrassahs for the holidays during every Ramadaan and Friday, hold examinations every year, sleep every night, etc. – so do they believe doing so to be Waajib, or is continuance the sign of obligation (Wujoob)? With regards to calling those who do not stand “–es”, the reason for this is that in our times, this is the sign of –es .

In the initial stages of Islam, it was said, “He who says “La ilaaha illallaah … “is a Jannati (one who will enter Jannat).” – Mishkaat, Kitaabul­ Imoon. this was because, at that time, reciting the Kalima was the recognition of people of lmaan. Then, when Hypocrites emerged amongst those who professed the Kalima, the Holy Quran proclaimed, “(O My Beloved !) Hyproerites (Munaafiqs) approach you and say. “We testify that you are the Messenger of Allah(swt). Allah(swt). also knows that you are His Messenger. but He is a witness that these Hyprocrites are liars.” See, what they were saying was the truth. but they were still liars.

A Hadith states. “There will emerge a nation who will perform ibaadat very intensely but will leave the deen just as how an arrow leaves the hunter’s bow.” And in another Hadith, ‘The recognition of Khaarijees is that they will have shaved heads.” – Both Ahadith from Misbkaat, Kitaabul-Qisaas, Baabu Qatli Ahlir-Rudaa

These three signs are in relation to three eras of time. Hadrat Mulla Ali Qaari (ra) states that a person asked Imam Abu Hanifa (ra) “What is the recognition of a Sunni?” He answered. “Having love for the two son- in-laws (Hadrat Uthman (ra), and Hadrat Ali (ra)). expressing the excellence to Hadrat Abu Bakr (ra) and Hadrat Umar (ra) (the Shaikhain) over all and wiping (masah) the leather socks.” Sharah Fiqhe-Akbar

Under the ayat, 6/153-“و ان ھذا صراطی مستقیما “9.33 Tafseeraate-Ahmadiya states that Hadrat Abdullah ibn Abbas once said, “He who has the following characteristics and habits is a Sunnl, “تفضیل الشخین، توقیر الخنتین، تعظیم القبلتین، الصلوۃ، علی الجنازتین، الصلوۃ خلف الامامین، ترک الخروج علی الامامین، المسح علی الخفین، و القول “یالتقدیرین، و الامساک عن الشھادتین، و اداء الفریضتین”..Mirqaat states,) “سئل انس ابن مالک عن علامۃ اھل السنۃ و الجماعۃ فقال ان تحب الشخین ولا تطعن الخنتین تسمع علی الخفین – Baabul-Masah alal-Khufain

Durre-Mukhtaar states, “Making Wudhu with water from a fountain is better. This is to spite the Mu’tazilites (a deviant sect).” – Baabul-Miyaah Allama Shaami writes under this, “Mu’tazilites say that making Wudhu with water from a fountain is impermissible, so we will make Wudhu with this type of water to anger them.” – Raddul-Muhtaar .Making Wudhu with water from fountains, wiping the leather socks, etc. are not from the compulsory acts (Waajibaats) but, due to refuters of these things emerging in those times, they were classified as a sign of Sunnis.

Standing (Salaami), Meela, Fatiha, etc. are also not from the eompulsory acts but amongst the signs of Sunnis in our time due to their refuters emerging in this age.

The recognition of Believers has been different in every era and, according to the shifting times, it is necessary to adopt the recognitions of Imaan to save ourselves from the signs of the Kuffaar.

According to Allah(swt) the most beloved of all actions is the one which is performed persistently, even if it is little in amount.,, – Mishkaat, Baabul-Qasd fil-Amal

To complete every good deed continuously is Mustahab.

Ashiatul-Lam’aat states, ‘The summary of this is that the practice of performing or not performing the Standing of Respect (Qiyaame-Tazimi) changes in relation to time, condition and personalities. Accordingly, the Sahaaba sometimes stood for the Holy Prophet! Sometimes didn’t.” The dislike of the Holy Prophet . towards standing for him was based on humility and humbleness.

Here, to remain standing is what is being negated, not standing unconditionally. Shaikh Abdul-Haqq (ra) writes in the commentary of the second and third Hadith, “Standing itself is not disliked (Makrooh). Rather, wanting people to stand is. If the person does not wish standing for himself, it is not Makrooh to stand up for him. Imam Qaadhi Ayaadh (ra) has said, “Standing in the manner that the person sits while those around him stand is prohibited. Standing in Respect (Qtyaame­ Tazimi) for worldly people is Makrooh and many warnings have been given about doing so.” – Ashiatut-Lam ‘aat

Similarly, the marginal notes of Mishkaat state under the Hadith ‘Qoomu ila ­Sayyidikurn’ (Stand for your leader), “Imam Nawawi (ra) writes, “This proves the practice of showing respect to pious elders; meeting and standing for them. The majority of Ulama have used this to substantiate that this standing is not from amongst the prohibited types. It is only prohibited when people stand around a person who is sitting and remain standing while he sits.” Kitaabul-JiJuul, Baobu Hukmil-Usraa

Standing up (Qiyaam) whilst offering Salawat (Blessings) and Salaam (Salutations) to Rasoolullah , in terms of religion is desirable and commendable (mustahab) according to the belief of the Ahl us-Sunnah. It is an act of happiness, respect and love, the origin of which is established from Shari’ah.

Qiyaam is of three kinds :

1. Qiyaam-e-Musarrat, or standing up for a person as an expression of happiness,

2. Qiyaam-e-Muhabbat, or standing up for a person as an expression of love, and

3. Qiyaam-e-‘Azmat or standing up in honour of a person.

Allama Ibn Hajar Makki (rahmat Allahi ‘alaih) states in Moulidatil Kabeer, “It is proven from Sunnah to stand for others besides the Holy Prophet (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam), thus in honour of the Holy Prophet it is permissible in the first instance. The proof hereof is the command to stand the Prophet gave in respect of Sa’ad ibn Muadh.”

Heart of a momin is the place of occupancy of Allah.no intellect, no senses can gain this level except that it’s a favour from Allah.

Ilm/knowledge from heart to heart by experiencing(kamil/perfect knowledge) .

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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