Dars e Imam-Ahle Baith

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

“Truly whoever abused the Holy Prophet  or ascribed any fault to him or attributed any defect to his family, religion or his habit, or reproached him, or compared the Holy Prophet  with any defective thing with the objective of degrading his personality and prestige, he is truly an abusive person and deserves to be executed. We make absolutely no exception to this verdict, whether the insult has been committed intentionally or unintentionally. This has been the verdict of all the Ulama of the Umma from the time of the Companions to the present day.” (Qadi Ayyad – Shifa, V2 P214)

Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala says in the Holy Qur’an:say [42/23] This is that of which Allah gives the glad-tidings to His bondmen who believed and did good deeds. Say you, “I ask not of you any wage for it but affection in respect of kinship”. And whoever does a good-deed, We shall increase to him good in respect thereof. Undoubtedly, Allah is Forgiving, Appreciating.

Sa’eed bin Mansur in his Sunan narrates from Sa’eed bin Jubayr Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu, He said: In this verse close ones refers to the relatives of the Prophet . [Jami’ al-Bayan, Vol. 11, Page 144 | Zakhair al-‘Uqba, Page 33, Durr al-Manthur, Vol. 5, Page 701 | Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 3, Page 288]

Imam Jalal ud din Suyuti (rah): writes in his magnificent Tafsir Dur ul Munthur
Imam Ibn Abi Hatim and Ibn Asakir narrate from the route of Akrama (ra) who narrated from Ibn Abbas (ra) that {Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you, ye members of the Family} was revealed regarding the blessed wives of Prophet  [Tafsir Dur ul Munthur, Volume No. 5, Page No. 562]

Imam Suyuti narrates: Imam Ibn Murduya and Baihaqi in his Sunnan narrate from the route of Umm Salama (ra) who said: This ayah was revealed in my house when in the house were present Fatima, Ali, Hassan and Hussain (Ridhwan Allaho Ajmain). The Prophet  covered them in his own cloak and then said: (O Allah) these are my Ahlul Bayt, remove all abomination from them and make them pure and spotless [Tafsir Dur ul Munthur, Volume No. 5, Page No. 563]

Ibn Asakir in his “Arbain fi ummahatil muminin” (p 137, hadis 28) narrated from Umm Salama:“While the messenger of Allah ﷺ  was in my house one day, the servant came and said: “Ali and Fatima are at the door”. He said: “Withdraw”, and I withdrew to a corner of a house. Ali and Fatima enter with Hasan and Husayn who were young children. He took Hasan and Husayn and sat them in his lap, and embraced Ali and brought him to him, and took Fatima with his other arm and embraced them both and kissed them. He draped a black cloak over them and said: “O Allah to you, not to the fire, both myself and my Sfamily”. Umm Salama said: “And I messenger of Allah?”. He said: “And you”.Ibn Asakir said hadith sahih.And at next page he said:“It is related by another route in which he said: “You are part of my family“.

Imam Suyuti (Ra) reports that Hazrath ibn Abbas (Ra) , the famous traditionalist and authority on the Qur’aan, asked the Prophet ﷺ   about the words which Adam received. The Prophet ﷺ   replied:’He prayed saying, “O Allah, for the sake of Muhammad, Ali, Fatimah, Hassan and Hussain, do turn towards me”, and He turned towards him’.

The following Hadith supports this:”The Holy Prophet ﷺ  has stated that when Allah created Adam (As) ‘ Adam lifted his eyes and looked towards the right side of the Garden of Eden. He saw five shining faces prostrating themselves before Allah. Adam asked Allah who they were. Allah said that they will be from his descendants, but they will not be created of clay. They will be created out of light (nur). “The whole universe has been created by Me for their sake. Their names have been derived from My names: I am Mahmood (The Praised one) and he is Muhammad (The Praised one); I am Aali (The Supreme) and he is Ali; I am Faatir (creator) and she is Fatimah; I am Ehsaan (Beneficent) and he is Hassan; I am Mohsin (Generous) and he is Hussain. I swear by My Honor that if anybody comes before Me with the least disrespect or hatred for any of them, I shall cast them into hell without any consideration. O Adam! These are my five chosen and blessed and for their sake I will forgive and bless unlimited numbers. If you or your progeny have any difficulties approach Me in the name of the Blessed Five.’

Love for the Prophets family is enjoined by Allah in the Qur’aan in 42/23.

 …Say you, “Iask not of you any wage for it but affection in respect of kinship”…

Qur’aan commentators are unanimous that ‘ the next of kin’ here intended are Ahl al-Bait.

The spiritual unity of the Panjattan Paak, is a symbol of the unity of all Muslims. It is for the sake of this unity in faith and commitment to Allah and truth (which is Islam), that Imam Hussain sacrificed his life. He refused a partisan Islam, and leadership devoid of morality (Adab) and love (Ishq).

4/69   – Those who submit to Allah and His Beloved Prophet (establishing harmony with them), are blessed with the companionship (spiritual fellowship) of the Prophets, the Intensely Truthful and Sincere (Servants of Allah), The Martyrs (who are Witnesses to Allah), and the possessors of sound Godliness in general. Ah! What a beautiful companionship! This is a bounty from Allah, and He suffices as Knower. (And because Allah affirms it, don’t question it.)

 Tafseer Durre-Mansoor further states in the conunentary of this verse, “Hadrat Anas (ra) narrates that he heard the Holy Prophet ﷺ  state.“Some People perform salaah, fast perform Hajj and even fight in Jihad though they are Hypocrites (Munaafiqs).” When it was asked, “Ya RasoolAllah ﷺ . Through what were they infiltrated with hypocrisy?” The Prophet  explained, “Through rebuking their Imam.” When he was asked concerning who their Imam was. He replied, “Allah (swt) states, “Ask those who know if you do not.”

Conunentating on the verse of Surah Kahf, “واذکر ربک اذا نسیت” Tafseer Saawi states. ”Taqleed of anybody or anything besides the four muzhabs is not permissible even though it may seem to be in conformity to the verdict of the Sahaaba (ra) Sahib Hadith or a Quranic verse. Anybody who separates himself from these four muzhabs is astray and leads others astray as well, because to take only the visible meaning of the Quran and Hadith is the root of infide1ity.”

The Prophet ﷺ  is narrated to have said, “Follow the accomplished and major group because the person who separates himself from the congregation of Muslims will be identified and sent to Jahannam,” Miskhaat, Baabul­L’tisaam bil-Kitaab was-Sunnah .Another hadith states,“Whatever is deemed good by Muslims is good in the sight of Allah (swt) as well”

Without ljmaa, how can you substantiate the Caliphate of Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique (ra) and Hadrat Umar Farooq-e-Aazam (ra)? Their respective positions are proven only from the consensus of the Ummah, to the extent that the person who rejects either one is a kaafir.-Shaami.Discussing the ayat “وکونوا مع الصدقین” Tafseer-e-Khaazin narrates that Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique (ra) said to the Ansaar (ra) “The Quran has classified the Migrators (Muhaajireen) to be truthful and has ordered that we be with the truthful. Therefore, you should not establish a separate caliphate. Remain with us.


1.directed khair/goodness towards him

2.compared himself with nabi/prophet of Allah (adam(as)).

3.his nafs deceived him

4.couldn’t differentiate between clay/mud and fire. (fire goes up with its irada/intention and mud fall’s on the ground ie free of irada/intention —- fire is disobedient/takabbur(urooj) and earth(nuzool) is obedient/adab .

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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